Which made me flash back to my motor head days for a brief moment though things are now much different than then. Now you can buy a variety of superchargers online; buick supercharger, mercedes supercharger, pontiac supercharger or just about any manufacturer, yes even ford for those ford fans out there.
If you are new to all of this and you don't know the difference between a nose cover or a supercharger or a turbocharger, that's online too. Considering what we are driving right now after the "Miguel met the bear" incident, I can't imagine investing in enhancing it though we have joked around that it would make the perfect low rider...
Not for nothing, Lisa, but I wouldn't let my daughter, who is about the same age as your youngest, watch Taxi. First off, I don't think it was that great of a movie. It was so hyped up to me by movie buffs that it was very dissappointing when I did see it. Raging Bull was a much better movie. Second, the themes of the story would freak out my daughter. She still thinks that sex is icky and yells and runs out of the room when she hears the word. That and the word blood. How I got her to that age and still be so innocent, especially in the New York Tri-state area, is beyond me.
But, to each their own. Maybe I should get a government grant to start a study and then start a government funded program to have parents do and think like I do. Others have succeeded. Why not me? ;)
C - I think it's oldest child syndrome versus youngest child syndrome. With my son I had the same beliefs, then with each child things changed a bit. There are some movies I don't let her watch, and some video games I don't let her play, but Taxi is PG-13.
I must put my head low and say sorry. Sorry. I thought you let your child watch Taxi Driver. Thus my Raging Bull reference. We all saw Taxi together and I felt it just plain sucked. The rest of my clan liked it. It appears that I am the black sheep when it comes to comedies in my family, since I like good comedy movies. Not a slam on your family likes, everyone has guilty pleasures in their closets. ;)
OK, now that I feel better, we can get back to other stuff to talk about in later blogs.
That explains your reaction - lol - I would not let her watch "Taxi Driver" - I promise.
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