Saturday, August 09, 2008

Georgia has no chance of winning a war with Russia

Okay so given the post title, "Georgia has no chance of winning a war with Russia" one wonders exactly what it is that Georgia is supposed to do? Just let Russia bomb them and do nothing? What will the rest of the world do? Just sit there and do nothing? Wait...they will write strongly worded letters to Russia.

Sure that will help...And of course it's Georgia's fault so they say:
Still, Georgia bears some of the blame for the fighting over South Ossetia, the official said. Recently, the United States has had "very blunt exchanges with" Georgia, telling its leaders that they have no chance of winning a war with Russia and that they should stick to a path of diplomacy.

What are they fighting over? More than just Georgia entering NATO, they are fighting over South Ossetia. Which interestingly enough, declared it's independence from Georgia in the 1990's but no one seems to recognize that:
Its independence has not been diplomatically recognized by any member of the United Nations – which continues to regard South Ossetia as part of Georgia.

If you want even more history on the place in the world where it appears the next war will happen? BBC News has a recommended piece.


Anonymous said...

georgia go to hell

Anonymous said...

georgia started it by atacking osetia, americans and nato are the ones actually promoting instability... osetia is russian territory in first place...Georgian president being an american bum licker...and should get terminated for his actions!!! plus all this american news propoganding wrong source of information... like always they try to make russia bad... they already helped destroying ussr and they just one big fat giant that want to take power all over the globe, but it wont happen...

Look at them saying russia attacking such a small country when they never had yet, but in my opinion they should terminate all the leaders of georgia again becouse of they actions... And one thing about nato what did they did to prevent iraq war nothing american just spit on nato and went in for it... and now again they aint doing anything just pointless meetings that wont save humans life im afraid...

Unknown said...

Second anonymous, that is a valid point, it was the US that helped Georgia when it came to military. It's also true that Georgia is important when it comes to oil and gas exports and is part of the motivation behind the struggle.

It is true however, that no matter who started it, that Russia took this to a harsher reaction level than what was expected and by some was felt to be not necessary.

Anonymous said...

Once a little terrier started to go for my “Rotti”. The Rottweiler was so surprised that he just stepped a foot on the little one, but not biting him. It sometimes is helpful to find out what is the history of terriers. The may not know fear, but it does not mean they are protecting you. Now imagine Georgia would be already a member of NATO as some very, very wise individuals wanted them to be. As Serbia attacked Kosovo or Bosnia, there was a big outcry, we even started a war against Serbia (because it did not have WMD's and was a easy prey) just to “help” this tiny Serbian province. Double standards are the receipt for denial.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the United States, would do if one of its states decided to declare itself independent from the rest of the Country. Well they would be threatend by every branch of the Federal Government under the sun.
And for those idiots that put up the confederate flag, have they forgotten that Arizona once belonged to Mexico, and we acquired Arizona by having the Mexican American Civil war. How would people from Arizona, feel if I went down to there state and displayed the Mexican Flag, and said give Arizona back to Mexico.