Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Reflections on...popcorn!

One of my favorite snack foods to eat is, popcorn! That said, I'm not a fan of microwave popcorn, I typically make mine the more old fashion way using a coconut oil based oil. I've tried many different varieties of popcorn, my all time favorite is still the Black Jewel one, I know it looks a bit different with the kernels being black but I think it gives the best end result flavor. I used to loads lots of real butter on it, which I still do once in a while but now I opt for the flavored butter powder with some sea salt.

I've often thought about getting one of those popcorn machines since it's impossible for me to resist getting a bag at any type of an event I'm at that has the pop corn machines. The smell alone of freshly popped popcorn is impossible for me to resist.


1 comment:

Robin said...

I used to work at a movie theatre, when I was in high school. I think that was probably the best popcorn I've ever had.