Monday, July 07, 2008

Obama campaign uses DNC email again...

Once again the email states:
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Once again it's listed as being from David Plouffe, Campaign Manager, Obama for America.

Once again the only way to opt out is to opt out from the Democratic National Commitee email list...

Once again it's an email solicting campaign donations to the Barack Obama campaign that clearly lists the contribution donation limits to a candidate:
Your contribution is not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. An individual may contribute a maximum of $2,300 per election (the primary and general are separate elections). By submitting your contribution, you agree that the first $2,300 is designated for the primary, and any additional amount up to $2,300 is designated for the general election.

Which is different than what you can contribute under the law to a state, local or national party:
Contribution Limits
An individual may give a maximum of:

$28,500 per calendar year to a national party committee. This limit applies separately to a party's national committee, House campaign committee and Senate campaign committee.

Why is it so difficult for the law to be followed? It's really rather simple, if I wanted to receive emails from the Barack Obama campaign, I'd be signed up from his campaign, I did not give the DNC permission to sell, give or use my email for another campaign and this violates the privacy policy promised by the DNC:
The DNC respects your privacy. We will not give, sell or rent your email address to any other organization unless you specifically authorize us.

It may sound nit picky but seriously, it's not that much to ask for rules/laws that are out there to be followed. At least it shouldn't be...The last time I emailed asking about this I received no response.

Which is eerily similar to the no response I've gotten in the past when trying to get answers from Barack Obama or his staff....


Anonymous said...

I will post anonymously again, even though you know who I am. It's just easier this way (you don't have to sign in time and time again). Though you give the option, and yet you found it prudent to point out that I posted anonymously last time. It's like a dog chasing its own tail... it makes no sense, but it saves me time.

Anyway, based on your recent postings, it's become very clear to me that you are so intimidated by my manliness that you had to call me out by name (as you seem to identify yourself with a tennessee guerilla group). Secondly, you really are unwillingly to give Sen. Obama a chance. Hillary Clinton's downfall was not that she was a woman, it was that she is much worse at lying than all the others. Do I expect complete honesty from any candidate, absolutely not. But since you wish to continue your onslaught, I should warn you. There are many feminist beliefs, and you seem attracted to those that are most on the fringe (after all, this group names itself after guerilla warfare). I urge you to stop while you're respected and at least to make an attempt to give this guy chance.


Unknown said...

Kurt, you referred to yourself as "Kurt" which is why I called you "Kurt", all the way back to March of 2007 in which you posted as "Kurt". You made the change over to "progressivetoledo" on December 19, 2007 and I have been calling you "Kurt" alllllllwayyyyssss. As for me being afraid of your "manliness" now that was funny. Anyone with a brain knew that "progressivetoledo" was...Kurt and my problem was your connection to things that you didn't make clear all the while you kept making an issue of my "bias". Before you dare to demand complete honesty from me, I'd suggest you try it yourself. If I was really interested in making you a focus there are lots of things I would have done. I hate to break it to you but you have a much larger belief in your importance to me than I do. Nor was what I did an onslaught though one could take this post written by you as a threat, which is not a very smart move on your part.

For a man who claims to be so intelligent, you just made a very huge mistake and as for my position on Obama? This is a free country and it will take a hell of a lot more than threats and harrassment from someone like you to "scare me" into changing how I feel.

I'd also suggest you do some research on the TN women, they've been around for some time and I've read their blog as well as linked them for way before Clinton...Then again, considering the source it's not surprising you got that wrong too...

If you were smart, you'd apologize and rather quickly.


Unknown said...

As a ps Kurt? You supposedly loved the more "agressive me" since my historical humbleness was starting to become unreasonable.


Anonymous said...

Actually, to be honest, I do love the more aggressive you. It's more entertaining this way. I was being completely honest. I think you created GCJ as a way to focus on local politics, and you did so with great success. It's just that now you have taken sides on that blog, where in the past, you didn't as much. Maybe it's just me, but that's my perspective. I recognize that you don't particularly care for my style, but to call anything I've said a threat is ridiculous.

I've never once threatened you in anyway, nor will I. I believe you have a fundamental right to speak what you believe, but I will question your motives and beliefs, unless of course you ban me from your sites (but then where would the entertainment be?).

In addition, with regard to what you consider my "dishonesty," I merely asked that you give the guy a chance. Then you proceeded to do background checks on God knows who, and your methods were certainly uncertifiable.

In addition, why do you want me to apologize to you? There are many feminist beliefs, many of which are inconsistent. I've read enough of that blog to know that they don't like Obama. I've read enough of your blogs to realize that you don't like Obama. But my question remains... how can you grow to like somebody if you won't give him or her a chance in the first place? And by that, I don't mean to threaten you in anyway.

p.s. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, and my "manliness" comment was supposed to be funny. I'm glad you got it.