Monday, June 09, 2008

Connie Schultz nails it once again...

I wondered to myself the other day when I was writing my message to Clinton supporters what was my favorite Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist going to write on the subject. Today? Hillary Clinton's supporters are down, but not out - of hope was written.

I recommend reading the whole piece but one part in particular that struck me:
Which brings me to those Clinton supporters who now insist they cannot, and will not, support Obama. They claim they will either vote for John McCain or stay home on Election Day. That sounds like disappointment devolving into hypocrisy.

We either stand for change, or we don't. We believe in participating in democracy, or we don't. It's one thing to vote for McCain because you trust his road map for the future. It's quite another to do it out of some warped notion of revenge. A bitter retreat is no way to honor the first woman to come this close to being the presidential nominee.

Hillary Clinton lost, but on her terms. She was no quitter, and that is a legacy that will only burnish with time.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Mrs. Clinton said as much during her 'concession' speech.

I agree with the sentiment being expressed by Clinton supporters - the anger, frustration, etc. (I felt as much when Mr. Edwards lost) However, given the current make-up of the Supreme Court, for example, a vote against Obama, in whatever form that may take, necessarily stifles the progressive movement; which in turn devolves, not into hypocrisy, but irrationality.

Roland Hansen said...

Regardless of whether one agrees with her political viewpoints, in my opinion, Hillary Clinton had the conviction, chutzpah, and tenacity that all candidates should have when seeking elective office.
I admire and respect that. I get so disappointed by those who drop out when the going gets rough. And while I do understand that a successful campaign needs sufficient finances to get the word out, I still feel the same disappointment when a candidate drops out because of money. I say she or he should keep in the race and do whatever she or he can as a candidate, even if it is only to keep the name on the ballot.

Scott G said...

I also think it was good for her to stay in, but mostly because it helped make Obama a better candidate. He may still not be as good as some want, but imagine where he would be if Clinton dropped out sooner. I just didn't like how it devolved into a campaign based on race, gender, and who had crazier friends.

And I also agree that I don't think the way to support Senator Clinton is to beat Obama. That is like saying that I am not only going to take my ball and go home, but I am going to bulldoze the park so that everyone can be unhappy

kateb said...

Do you think there's a possibility she'll run as V.P.?

Unknown said...

Kate, I seriously doubt it, I don't think he'll pick her.