Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Another primary day...in the end it will still come down to super delegates

Another primary day with Indiana and South Carolina, and while the focus is of course on who will end up with what percentage in these contests, the bottom line still comes down to superdelegates.

Clinton has to perform well to continue to push the message that she is the one who is better able to beat John McCain in November. With the way the delegates are assigned, neither one is going to end up with a huge boost in numbers. Which again leads to the question that this whole democratic presidential primary process has demonstrated. We need to make some changes.

Eliminate the caucuses, eliminate the super delegates and base this on a truly democratic process similar to the current electoral college situation. If it's good enough for the general, it should be good enough for the primary...

Then, we would truly have a system where everyone who was eligible to vote had the ability to do so, and the decisions would be made by the voters...


Anonymous said...

...and base this on a truly democratic process similar to the current electoral college situation...

Then, we would truly have a system where everyone who was eligible to vote had the ability to do so, and the decisions would be made by the voters...


The electoral college? You're not serious. I say randomize the primary schedule, give everyone a chance to be in a state that counts.

Unknown said...

I'd support that, however I don't think the early states would.

By a similar process to the electoral college I mean as in how the numbers are counted, not as in suggesting a nation wide primary day. I'd have to agree with your GGGGGAAAACKKKKK on that one.
