Friday, November 02, 2007

If doctor's offices were more approachable...

I watched the video story from Voxant on website offers fake notes (from the sidebar):

Then I headed over to the actual website, where I don't advise visiting unless you turn the sound down, it's really irritating and then they go into how you can get a free boob job.

I couldn't help thinking though of the times it would be tempting to use a fake note, especially when it comes to trying to get into a family doctor for a simple illness that may make you not able to work or go to school but is really not worth a $75.00 visit to the Urgent Care or whatever your family doctor charges. Take one of my daughters as an example, she works as a waitress, they aren't allowed to take off days for being sick without a doctor's note. First, would you want someone who was contagious handling your food? Secondly, the people who work there don't have health insurance so it would cost them more money than they would make in a day to get the note.

Makes no sense...and creates places where fake notes are sold...

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