Friday, October 12, 2007

Media...GOP and creating NASCAR drama...

Wow...if you actually believed the GOP and most of our more irresponsible media, you'd think that Democrats believed they needed immunizations before they went to watch NASCAR. Watch the spin below:

Interested in the real truth?

Thompson said the immunizations are commonly recommended for people working in hospitals, holding centers and similar locations.

"Since committee staff members are visiting hospital and other health-care facilities available at or near these venues, including areas where groups of people are detained before being transferred to other off-site facilities, I believe that the recommendation (not requirement) that our congressional staff receive these same immunizations was sound," Thompson said in a letter responding to Hayes issued Wednesday.

"I am sure you would agree that providing immunizations to personnel involved in public safety is good public health policy, and there is no need to exclude staff from taking the preventative measures that the public health community recommends -- regardless of why and where mass gatherings are taking place," Thompson said in the letter.

Much less exciting...

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