Monday, October 15, 2007

I want to live long enough to see a woman in the Whitehouse...

If my great-grandmother was still alive she would probably be one of those women who Hillary Clinton described meeting during the brief clip shown from her appearance today on "The View" that CNN writes about, It's hard running for prez as a woman. She would have been one of those who despite being politically naive to the point of voting whatever the party ticket was "because they know better than I do" would have been excited by the idea of finally having a woman as President. I can never ever forget the impact that Shirley Chisholm had on me, in fact I can go back to the time when she ran for President as one of the very reasons I'm the way I am today as far as still being a political junkie. While I was influenced by Chisholm's presence and determination, my great-grandmother told me that she would never win because she was black and a woman. "Honey, men are not ready to let a woman be president, white people are not ready to let a black be president and Shirley is both" is what she stated to me. She was of course right, but the question of is America ready now for a woman to be president versus does America want Hillary to be president is still yet to be determined.


Roland Hansen said...

Is America ready for a gay Asian-American non-Christian to be President? Or a Hispanic or an Arab-American or an avowed atheist or a transvestite or a -----.
Get the picture? People ought to be more concerned about who would make the BEST President, and not make their determination based on the candidate's ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual preference, religious, or racial group, etc.

Unknown said...

Roland, I get the picture but it is a topic that is being discussed...

Jordan said...

I'd like to be alive to see the first woman president too, but can agree with Roland on his point. Because personally, and it's just from my standpoint, I don't think Hillary would be the best.

But what other option is there really?