Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dan Moldea in action again...

I'm not sure if Dan Moldea really does only do this because it's on principle, but regardless of his reasoning, he has made many a politician which that he never existed. The Washington Post has an interesting article about the Morals of a Muckraker

One month after rekindling their partnership, Moldea learned that Sen. David Vitter's number had been found in the phone records of the escort service run by the alleged D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey. This was no coincidence, as Moldea had just agreed to write a book with Palfrey. He promptly leaked the Vitter calls to Time. And when the Louisiana Republican preempted the magazine by apologizing for having sinned, Moldea made sure Flynt got credit by leaking word of his role to ABC News.

While it's said he's not doing it for the money, not many people would refuse a million dollar reward...

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