Monday, July 23, 2007

Fraud and USDA...

Personally after reading just this one example of fraud perpetuated against the USDA:

The report cited a 1,900-acre soybean and corn farm in Illinois that collected $400,000 on behalf of an owner who lived in Florida before his death in 1995. The company did not notify the government of the death but certified each year that the dead shareholder, who owned 40 percent of the company, was "actively engaged" in managing the farm.

That whoever was involved in certifying this man was "actively engaged" ends up being "actively imprisoned" or at a minimum is forced to pay back all of the money paid out in what can not be viewed as anything other than fraud.

It's also apparent that it's about time someone started checking more before payments are made out. At least this information being released demonstrates that might be possible...


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Typical of the government, not even checking the names and S.S. numbers of the dead against those receiving subsidies. . .

Hoe hard could that be?

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Maybe I should just head for bed...

Clearly I meant to key in, "How hard could that be?"

Unknown said...

Hoe, hoe, hoe,


Unknown said...

Seriously though I agree with you that this could have been easily prevented.