Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fake Viagra gets rise out of authorities...

Okay, I'm sorry...really...but I couldn't resist making that as a headline after reading in Reuters that Chinese police seized more than a ton of fake drugs for impotence, bird flu and malaria, that included at least 18,000 fake Viagra tablets. The Chinese government has been cracking down on companies recently due to some of the recall issues but one starts to really wonder if a fake "little blue pill" would work some mental magic or leave the pill popper sad and blue...


1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Nice title :-)

The word on The Net, from The European community, is that, among the fakes/knock-offs of the Placebo brand (from Poland) are the best, and are very hard to beat.

The Polish suppliers are also firm in their commitment to remaining the best at supplying upstanding products at rock bottom prices.

Testimonials from long time customers, lavish copious compliments for the Pole’s holding their prices down in the face of very stiff competition from the third world competition.

Compliments like that are hard to beat.
