Tuesday, June 19, 2007

C linton for President Campaign and the song contest...

As I blogged about earlier, the Hillary Clinton for President campaign has done a very creative job in relation to the campaign strategy being used on the topic of "the campaign song". It created interaction with quite a few people and got some media attention as well as the attention of a few bloggers. Some pro-Hillary, some ant-Hillary and some like me that haven't taken a position on Hillary yet.

The campaign sent out this video:

Then...builds the suspense a bit longer by directing you to another link to hear the final selection and make a quick fundraising offer. All in all, great utilization of the web and video and again sends the message that Hillary is "reachable".

If the campaign continues with this type of marketing and creativity? Anything is possible...


Anonymous said...

Just remember honey: A good marketing strategy does not mean a good president.

Scott G said...

I was hoping they would choose a Dan Band song