Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Missy, thought provoking and entertaining...

One of the things I really enjoy about being a blogger is visiting other blogs and getting a chance to review them. There are several reasons I enjoy visiting Missy's, one might just be that I also happen to think that Matthew McConaughey is pretty darn good as an actor and not so bad to look at either. Of course I'm happily married and I have a husband who reads my blog so I'll leave it at that, except to say I enjoy visiting Missy's blog...

Now, on to other content, Missy can go from the serious, like her soon to be coming post on how women who decide to not have children are discriminated against as one example, then to a post like this one where she is having a conversation with herself. I know that conversation, I've had that conversation, and it made me smile to know that I'm not the only one out there.

Missy creates a welcoming feeling with her blog so that even if you are a new reader, you can join right in. I enjoyed this sponsored opportunity to review Missy's and I recommend that you stop by and visit her. You'll find posts that are thought provoking and ones that are entertaining...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...I am "Momma K", a personal friend of Missys from She is an amazing person. The way she "talks" on her blogs is exactly the way she talks in person. I have known her for about 10 years and she has always told it like it was. There is no such thing as 'sugar-coating' with her! LOL! I wanted to personally thank you for your blog about her. She is one of my closest friends. And she is VERY, in your exact words, Thought Provoking and Entertaining!! haha! For her posting a blog about your comment about her blog, you now have a new reader. :D Thanks...~Momma K