Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The wonders of web conferencing...

Just a few moments ago on the noon news, one of the ways that people are using web conferencing demonstrated how far we have come in our use of technology. A man who had been on the run for several days accused of killing his former girlfriend and her current boyfriend was finally captured and his first arraignment was today. Rather than having to transport him to the court, this arraignment was done using web conferencing technology which also enabled this local news channel to offer the video of this hearing online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at how good and cheap Yugma is for free web conferencing. It's really amazing when you think about it. I highly recommend to all - see http://www.yugmg.com . I used to pay $50 a month and now I get everything I need for free. I also just read their blog and they seem to have a lot of very interesting things happening. I like them. easy to use, free, and they seem to be different in a very positive way. (Also, Mac users will love then cause they work nicely between macs and PC!!!)