This was a hard one for me, I almost used a picture of me blogging but blogging has almost gone beyond being a hobby for me. I debated using one of my photographs of cemeteries since it is in a way a hobby but it's also more of a passion when it comes to history. This particular picture was taken in New Orleans before the hurricanes, I have been told that the cemetery was very damaged so it's very likely that this tree and the crypts no longer look the way this photo shows...

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You're hard to find! What's your hobby? Photography? A very interesting shot. The tree is struggling on there, but not doing so well.
OK, sorry. I didn't notice the text above the photo until I went back again. I love cemeteries too, especially in Europe. We have no interesting ones here because Vancouver is a very young city.
I hope your tree survived.
Sorry you had trouble finding me, but glad you did. I haven't been to Europe but I can only imagine how amazing the cemeteries are there since many of them are so much older than what we have here in the States. I know a few of them I have visited on the East Coast are also amazing when it comes to some of the artwork in the headstones.
Thanks for visiting me!
Oh yeah, I'm very interested in them too. So much history!
We brilliant minds must think alike as I have cemetery pictures up today, too, and one of my favorite things to do is to take pictures in the local cemeteries. I would love to have seen some of the cemeteries in New Orleans, I bet they were fascinating but I hear so many of them were damaged. What a real shame.
Great pic for the theme baby. I hope the two of us can go back someday and see them again.
Interesting hobby, LOL. I always thought that the way Anne Rice described New Orleans in her books was romantic. :-)
Nice image!
You chronicle a part of our history that is often forgotten. Cemeteries hold a wealth of information for historians. I love to stroll through them on sunny quiet days.
That palm is mangy!
Whew ;-)
I enjoy visiting cemeteries, as well, unless I am there for the funeral of a loved one. My favorite cemetery to visit is Arlington, where the ashes of both of my parents are inurned. Thank you for stopping by Pollywog Creek earlier and leaving a very kind comment. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
This is the second blog in a row which lists visiting cemeteries as a hobby! (And yes, the first blog was Linda's... ;b)
I had not thought of this as a hobby, but what an interesting way to explore history.
You are the second one to have cemeteries as a hobby... Last summer in the cab on the way from LaGuardia to Brooklyn I saw several that looked really old in the middle of NYC. We didn't have the time to explore the famous cemetery in Brooklyn but I plan to do so the next time we are there.
Nice photo. While it's not high on my priority list, I have enjoyed walking through old parts of cemeteries and wondering about the people there. Do you do genealogy? I used one of my hobbies to show two more of the many...
Cemeteries seem like a unique but interesting subject. Thanks for sharing your hobby.
I've got tons of cemetery photos too - I love to try and piece together family histories in the graveyard. Visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona or go directly to my Photo Hunt Post.
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