Here's why IEDS carry such hidden danger. The detonation of any powerful explosive generates a blast wave of high pressure that spreads out at 1,600 feet per second from the point of explosion and travels hundreds of yards. The lethal blast wave is a two-part assault that rattles the brain against the skull. The initial shock wave of very high pressure is followed closely by the "secondary wind": a huge volume of displaced air flooding back into the area, again under high pressure. No helmet or armor can defend against such a massive wave front.
It is these sudden and extreme differences in pressures -- routinely 1,000 times greater than atmospheric pressure -- that lead to significant neurological injury. Blast waves cause severe concussions, resulting in loss of consciousness and obvious neurological deficits such as blindness, deafness and mental retardation. Blast waves causing TBIs can leave a 19-year-old private who could easily run a six-minute mile unable to stand or even to think.
Adding to this troubling story is the information that one-third of all combat forces are at risk, and this article states there has not been enough money placed into research to help deal with the advances in medical technology necessary to do more to help the soldiers who have suffered neurological injuries...
1 comment:
There never is enough going into research for wartime injuries however some of our most significant medical strides have been due to research due to wartime injuries.
Either way it's a tragedy.
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