Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So...what's the big deal about the 1984 Hillary Video?

I heard about it and I even heard that Rush Limbaugh was making a big deal about this video:

Which for those of you who don't remember 1984, it's taken from the 1984 commercial announcing the Mac computer:

There also appears to be another one - this one slams Obama:

What's the big deal? I have no idea, except the questions of what connection does the person who created it have to Obama since at the very end it advertises his campaign...and of course the flip side, is the one that promotes Hillary done by her people? AND...did anybody get permission from Apple to use their commercial?

UPDATE: Washington Post joins in to help promote the controversy yet doesn't seem to notice the anti-Obama one....


Anonymous said...

The big deal (and the entertainment) is that someone had the "audacity" to attack Mrs. Bill Clinton. The ad is believed to be the work of Hollywood mogul, David Geffen, an outspokem critic of Mrs. Bill Clinton.

All the above aside, the ad does mark an interesting point in political history as its the first internet-exclusive presedential election political ad to gain so much widespread attention and coverage.

Unknown said...

No one can prove it's related to Geffen though, from what I last heard and if it were attributed to Geffen? It'd be a bad move on his part as it seems in reading the thousands of comments, it's helped Hillary more than Obama. It would also totally blow his "I'm not going to campaign dirty" meme out of the water.

Maybe it's different in the parts of blogosphere I see but attacking Hillary happens quite often.

Unknown said...

I agree with you on the lack of orginality. I also agree with you on the media hype being given this. Unfortunately I predict this is the beginning of even more attention on things like this type of video rather than on substance.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Maybe it's different in the parts of blogosphere I see but attacking Hillary happens quite often."

The interesting thing, to me, is that it's democrats that are attacking her.

And here we thought that her excellency's campaign had been preordained. . .