Friday, March 02, 2007

Potty fingers!

A very good friend sent me this link and I thought it would interest some of you as well. It's about an informal research project done to see who uses more of George Carlin's 7 words you can never say on tv.

As soon as I saw that the study included Daily Kos, it was obvious that the liberal side of the blogosphere is a bit freer with what I call "potty fingers" since we are in reality not talking but writing. Yet, even if you subtract the's an interesting thing to consider.

I also recommend reading the comments and the updates since of course there is some discussion on the methods used to collect information on "blogospheric vulgarity".



Scott G said...

I wonder how many I use. I do pretty well using Carlin's words sparingly, but sometimes I like to add emphasis

Unknown said...

Well since you didn't show up in their search, I'd say you were not going beyond "emphasis".


Scott G said...

That is surprising since I have a liberal interpretation of what constitutes emphasis