You won't hear that here if you listen to the audio, it's cut off just as the crowd starts to respond.
But you will hear it if you watch the video:
So...We can all do as my friend Jill over at Writes Like She Talks posts about, taking a suggestion from Right Wing Nut House but the laughter, and the applause shows this is more than Ann Coulter. The fact that people did respond as the video clearly shows demonstrates to me, we have a larger problem then how to get Ann Coulter off the airwaves....
In utter and total fairness those that call the President disrespectful names such as "Chimpy" or whatever they decide to use really should not be at arms about a crowd laughing at using the term "faggot" at a presidential candidate. It's kind of hypocritical to be demanding respect if it's also not given. However for the rest of us...we need to start saying Enough....
UPDATE: Dean Barnett must have been watching a different video than we have since he states:
When Ann made her offending comment on Friday, it wasn’t greeted by boisterous laughter as many of you have suggested in your emails and comments. It was greeted by uncomfortable silence. That spoke well of the attendees. The audience at CPAC knew that Ann had transgressed.
Unless someone added the laugher to the CSPAN video which is highly unlikely....
You are of course right. There's just no excuse. I was happy when Judith Regan was finally fired from being the head of the imprint that was doing all that OJ stuff - do you remember that? Rupert Murdoch himself made that show and book disappear. Not sure why but I'm glad it happened. Because you are right, Lisa Renee - enough is enough.
How do we continue to question what goes on and what people do, regardless of which side they're on, but in a way that's constructive? I know many of us try to figure that out everyday so that we don't let the vitriol get the best of us. And it's not always easy and I know I don't always succeed. But it is a goal if we're going to ever get back to a place that has more happiness and contentment in it.
We just keep doing what we are doing and hope that enough of us will see what you and I and others keep saying, "if it's wrong for A it's wrong for B".
We keep blogging about it and either people will listen or we'll at least be in good company. It's human nature to be a bit hypocritical but at least some of us try to minimize it.
Mullah Cimoc say this example how woman of ameriki become filthy and dirty and not having the baby and this woman she having so big adam's apple.
This process for making the ameriki man to be like homosexual and passive for woman command all usa man. calling it the training of pavlov dog.
me not knowing why this happen but knowing this sign of collapse the great empire like roman time but now so fast in computer communication time. not the 500 years.
I have taken to ignoring her for the most part. Sometimes she still gets to me, but for the most part, I give her no time
I just heard about this this morning and I am glad that you posted this, Lisa.
I am not an Ann Coulter fan, but I found out that Edwards not only can't take a joke, I'm forced to vote Republican yet again in 2008.
Edwards responded by saying that that of hate speech is not only wrong but unamerican. Is he serious? What's unamerican? That someone called him a name? If he's this thin skinned now, what happens should he become president? Calls the Iranian president a meanie?
What scares me is that people do not understand the free speech issue. (I know that you are tired of this, but hear me out) There are little loud groups that want to ban, or make illegal, words that offend them. Edwards says faggot is unamerican and hints that the word should be banned. Free speech let's people say what they what for ideas to flow and for free thinking to continue. Banning the "bad" words will stop free thinking.
We, as an American people, have the right to joke, give opinions, etc. That includes to offend people. Are we that PC that we must legislate what people can say to each other; barring public airwaves and causing violence undo people, etc. As I grow older, I see this country losing it's edge on everything. With people telling us that we must be in touch with our feelings and not having people take responsiblity for their actions because it wasn't their fault bullshit, this country will lose it edge in the world and will become a third world nation within a generation or two.
It was a joke. Was it in bad taste? Maybe. But I thought it was funny. And I was more offended by Edwards statement that her joke was unamerican, but he has the right to say that. If he, or his staff writers, had any balls, he would have come out and say that even an idiot, such as Coutler, is free to give her opinion, no matter how stupid it is. That would have been better.
As for enough is enough. It falls on deaf ears in politics. People will say bad things about others who disagee (remember Excite boards?), but let us not worry about words and worry more about actions.
Lastly, we are talking about Ann Coulter for Christ's sake. She only gets power when people listen. Stop listening to her trite and soon enough she is gone.
C, I'm not tired of hearing it and if I was Edwards I would have laughed it off and/or ignored it and just moved on. I understand his position it's hate speech, however logic dictates with the way some on the left act (including some that still are were associated with him) that you either have to address both the same or at least attempt to or be seen as hypocritical.
Coulter's comments to me were her just being her, it was the "outrage" from the blogosphere directed at her when if you watched the video, the crowd laughed too. Which means basically...neither side should be condemning the other for name calling.
Amen Lisa! I commend you and your comments.
Ann Coulter is the equivalent of a "shock jock," throwing out stuff like that just for the reaction.
Trash talk and unworthy of any further attention except to remember the source and consider it accordingly...
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