Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that I've been going thru the whole clear liquid diet then working my way back into regular foods because of a health issue. I did something stupid Friday night because I underestimated my body's recovery level and I enjoyed a nice sausage dog with sauerkraut. It sounded great, it tasted great however my body did not agree that it was a great move.
Despite that though, I started thinking about my family's reaction to the sauerkraut, especially Miguel who commented about it smelling worse than the garbage can...I know my container of sauerkraut will wait for me since it's pretty apparent no one else will be eating it. I don't know about you, but for me one of the downsides to living in a houseful of people is heading to the fridge hungry for an item that you think will be there only to discover someone else has gotten there before you and polished it off. Tunafish used to be a safe item until Miguel and I were together since I was the only person that liked tuna.
Apple jelly and apple butter as well as honey butter are still safe food items, since for some reason no one here likes them. Unless all of the grape, strawberry and rasberry jellies/jams are gone and someone is really craving a PBJ is the only time my apple jelly is in danger. They'd go without the jelly rather than touch either the apple butter or the honey butter...
So, what about your house? If you live with one or more persons is there anything that you have that is considered a "safe" item that you know if you put in there will be waiting for you?
Honey and coconut; Mrs. T won't go near either, although she now likes honey and dry mustard on grilled meats and poultry.
As for me, anything with bell pepper in it is safe. There is way too much "green" in bell peppers, for my taste.
I love sauerkraut. I once ate a whole jar myself for dinner and had stomach cramps for 2 days. It was worth it though. I'm hungry for macaroons...
I love honey and mustard, especially a few of the honey mustards, they are very good for dipping cheese and other tidbits.
I've eaten that much before too me4 but this is the first time it's ever made me sick. I used to (or at least believed) I had a strong stomach and used to be able to handle all kinds of spicy things too. I think my jalepeno days are over...(sniff)
Are you starting to feel better
I thought I was feeling better from a what I can eat standpoint which I was wrong on. The pain is still there but not as bad as it was the first few days.
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