Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pork is still on the menu in Washington...

In what can only be described as a totally unshocking story, this New York Times article that points out that Democrats love congressional pork too and any thoughts we might have had about this coming to an end in D.C. was a fantasy moment:

Mr. Stevens, an 83-year-old Republican, and Mr. Inouye, an 82-year-old Democrat, routinely deliver to their states more money per capita in earmarks — the pet projects lawmakers insert into major spending bills — than any other state gets. This year, Alaska received $1.05 billion in earmarks, or $1,677.27 per resident, while Hawaii got $903.9 million, or $746.05 per resident, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan group that tracks such figures.

“What is good for the goose is good for the gander,” Senator Patty Murray, the Washington Democrat who is set to become chairwoman of the transportation subcommittee, said last fall in a speech defending an Alaska Republican’s allocation of more than $200 million in federal money for a bridge to remote Gravina, Alaska, with a population of 50. It became notorious as the “Bridge to Nowhere.”

“I tell my colleagues, if we start cutting funding for individual projects, your project may be next,” Ms. Murray warned. To anyone who might vote against the bridge, Ms. Murray threatened that her subcommittee would be “taking a long, serious look at their projects.

Please...take a long serious look at their projects, many of us really wish you would. I know this has been said before but merely replacing R's with D's is not going to stop the problems in our government. If only one article was needed to point this out? This would be it.

1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"n what can only be described as a totally unshocking story, this New York Times article that points out that Democrats love congressional pork too and any thoughts we might have had about this coming to an end in D.C. was a fantasy moment:"

Now you did it, you've gotten me started...

Hawaiians eat more Spam per capita than any other state. Spam, of course is Pork..., no surprise here.

And we owe a load of Pork to Alaska too we give it willingly because Pork and Oil go very well together, and you know how we love oil...

I've said it before and there's no better time to repeat it.

Our President, ALL Presidents need the line item veto and the cojones to use it, and put America on a no pork diet.

At least until we can pay of the National debt and learn to live with balanced budgets.

Then, who knows, it might prove to be contagious and spread to our fellow man...