Visit the website, check out the video, and pass this one on. Not only does it present a catchy message but I think it's one most of us do agree with. Especially those of us that do believe there should be a balance of power in Washington.
More information on who is behind the creation of this video can be found in their press release:
“ ‘Take Back the Capitol’ started with a bunch of friends hanging out at Chango coffee house in the Echo Park district of L.A.,” says Sim Sadler, a filmmaker, video artist and editor whose narrative film “Flight,” was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. “The technology has evolved to where a few people can get together, make a statement and distribute it via the internet for little more than a few pennies. People are frustrated with the political culture and they're dying to speak out. I think you’ll see grass-roots PSAs becoming a force to be reckoned with in future elections."
The site also promises a blog coming soon, I'll be sure to update you but most importantly as the video ends with...
Vote y'all...and TAKE BACK THE CAPITOL

I think many Republicans would agree there needs to be some balance of power. They can't be happy with the way things have gone there with the spending, larger government, and attack on the Constitution
My guys are in and your guys are out, unless yiur guys and my guys are actually our guys.
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