It would be nice to have just one day where my youngest actually wanted to go to school rather than to stall, dread it and as we start walking ask "can't we just turn around"....
It's not just the situation related to the EHW though that helps make me feel as if this whole putting her in TPS thing was a huge mistake. I can't say it's because of my youngest's grades, she's doing excellent in that department. I talked to her teacher friday and the suggestion of talking to the school counselor was made. I talked to her about that even though I had a feeling she'd say it wouldn't help because first of all she's not the problem and second given the experience with the EHW she doesn't trust that anything she said would be kept confidential. Can't say I blame her.
If it wasn't for the non-support I'm getting from both my husband and her father on pulling her I would have already pulled her. It's pretty sad when I know that she would learn more at home though I'm sure the hours spent on Thursday learning how to do the Macarena and the day they watched movies and had pizza because there was no sub for the other sixth grade class are really important lessons that she'd miss. (Yes I am being sarcastic - I don't send my child to school to have her waste a good portion of the day learning how to entertain people for some school program.)
The only thing she does enjoy about going there is her teacher, if it wasn't for that it would be even more difficult but if things keep the way they are, that's not going to be enough. Then yes, I'll do what I think is best for her despite what Miguel or her Dad thinks about it. I realize that there are things in life that all of us have to do that we aren't crazy about, and that learning how to get along with people, even people who are jerky to you is also a part of life. Yet I also know it doesn't have to be that way...
Enter the crazy hat lady....
And now you know the exact reason why I pulled you know who out of TPS without looking back! No kid should have to feel that going to school is a "bad" thing. Granted, kids aren't always going to like school, but when they start asking every day if they can stay home it makes you wonder why you're sending them. I can only wish that you have as good of results as I did! Know that I luv ya lady!
I will open an online learning center to add to your curriculum if you home school. We will cover important issues like who is the best jazz trumpet player, write essays on why Denzell Washington is so hot, and whether "The Alchemist" or the Shaara books on teh Civil War are the best ever written
Scott, thanks I know Aubrey could learn a lot from you (((HUGS)))
Kate, you know me so you know I'm not the sue type but I have heard that from other people too especially since there is more that I haven't posted. That is something that I am starting to consider as an option.
To my crazy hat lady...I love you too and thanks for listening to me when I complain.
Our solution to TPS and its many 'issues' is the Ohio Virtual Academy. Can't say enough good things about it. If you ever do decide to pull her, please check it out!
Melissa, thank you for telling me that. I have looked at Ohio Virtual Academy and I am giving it serious consideration since it appears it would be a more professionally created situation than trying to home school on my own. Which I have done in the past when my oldest son experienced a situation that made that the best option for him. It's nice to hear that you recommend them.
TPS attendance can be a double edged sword.
Your daughter needs the education and the socilization however, when the social problems take precidence, maybe an online academy could be a viable option.
Besides, who among us would choose a hostile environment for their education?
Just ask yourself, which would you choose?
I believe this advice to be worth exactly what you just paid for it ;-)
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