Monday, October 02, 2006

Hookah Town and the Caterpillar...

I was going thru the Payperpost listings and when I saw Hookahs I jokingly said to a friend I should name the post "Won't you take me to Hookah Town". People do of course use Hookahs for legal purposes but I started thinking back to my earliest memory of knowing what a hookah was and I remembered:

The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth, and addressed her in a languid, sleepy voice.

`Who are YOU?' said the Caterpillar.

The images of the Caterpillar and his hookah have changed thru out the years since Alice in Wonderland was written. I found a website that shows most of the illustrations. The Disney one is probably the one most people would recognize but it's interesting to look at how the different illustrators have drawn the Caterpillar.

If you stop by and look at some of the Hookahs that Hookah Town has, most of them look like works of art that I think even our friend the Caterpillar would be proud to own...


Anonymous said...

I still think nothing beats Tenniel's illustrations of the Alice books and in fact rather dislike the Disney rendition (but my kids like it well enough so I guess it's fine...)

Unknown said...

I agree with you that I preferred Tenniel's illustrations as well, not just for the Caterpillar but the all of the characters, especially the Chesire Cat.


Scott G said...

I wish I had a hookah. Then I could see Alice and the caterpillar without any illustrations

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

No thanks, I'm not going to get hook(a)ed on one of those damnded things..., again.

That Alice was HOTT!


Scott G said...

I want a hookah now. I am suing for being made unhappy by the realization that my life is incomplete without a hookah

Unknown said...

In the words of our president...and a cheerleading movie..."Bring it" (lol) but watch out the hamsters don't like lawyers.


Fair-Guy said...

I purchased a hookah from these guys and the purchase went so-so, I can tell they are a new company. I order all my stuff through Hooka (Hookah pipe Store) That has been in business for over 10 years A++ customer service...