Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So far I'm not happy with the Toledo Public School system

I know I've been gone again, things have been busy over on Glass City Jungle and here in the newly dubbed South Toledo drama central. Aubrey did her first official campaign activity for the Toledo City Council Candidate that she likes after the Labor Day Parade Downtown on Monday.

Some of the problems I'm following the whole proper chain of command process before I start complaining but this one issue isn't going to be solved, so I'm semi venting. The School Uniform policy is big huge asshat of a failure.

We qualify for their voucher system and I was told that the voucher would be issued when I showed up and provided them with the documentation they needed. That wasn't true, they mail the vouchers which takes weeks to process so school is of course already in session. That was sign number one as to how the process doesn't work. Sign number two that process doesn't work was what happened when I went out and tried to actually find something that met their uniform policy. Eventually we found one skirt after going to six different stores. I bought one skirt and two tops so Aubrey could have something to wear until either a) my unemployed ex got caught up on his child support or b) the voucher came.

The whole theory behind this forcing of the uniform policy is that it is supposed to more cost effective (Wrong!) It's supposed to be easier for parents (Wrong!) and it's supposed to end the whole concentration of who is wearing what so that they focus on their eduction and not the brand name label on someone. (Really Wrong!)

Why (Really Wrong!)? Aubrey came home today upset because one of the nasty scrawny little clique girls made it a point to harrass Aubrey about her only seeing her wear the one skirt to school. I guess on Day 5 and a half of the new school year that's an issue. Ironically the money I spent on the stupid black dress shoes that were supposedly "required" but they aren't enforcing since well over 100 of the students are wearing white shoes or white shoes with other colors or black shoes with other colors, could have been used to buy her another outfit. Well if I could have found anything that actually fit her that met their requirements.

I knew we were going to have to deal with the new school blues type situations, I knew Toledo Public Schools would probably have older text books than her last school, and I knew that this whole uniform thing would take a bit of getting used to. How some of these kids act you would think they were from one of the ritzy suburban schools when it comes to their behavior rather than from a working class South Toledo neighborhood. Some of this will pass, some of it might not. Some of this might require martial arts classes...



Cyberseaer said...

Sorry to hear that Aubrey is having social issues at school already. Kids, just like adults, suck.

Hopefully the peer abuse that she is getting now will fire her up to become very successful as give the big financial FU to the snotty girls, who will, most likely, become unwed mothers after the high school pass them by. I know, it's wrong to think about, but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I was thinking of that one cheer line from Bring it On that Aubrey always watches...

"That's alright, that's okay, you're gonna pump our gas one day".


Scott G said...

I had a uniform for all 12 years of my "lower" education. It got a little more relaxed my last 2 years of high school though. Ours was set that we pretty much all had to get clothes from the same store to be sure they met the code. Too bad that store was expensive. It was a good thing that the pants and shirt looked the same everyday because I only had a couple of each.

If Aubrey wants, I will come out and wear the same skirt to class everyday also and see if anyone makes fun of me. I already graduated so I can get expelled and it won't hurt too bad.

Unknown said...

That made her laugh - thank you!


Aaron said...

I don't know where you looked, but Walmart had excellent deals on TPS school uniforms when we were in that market. Stay away from the Target / cherokee uniforms, they were complete junk. Buttons popping off and fading right away. Also, we ordered a bunch right online through french toast.

Now we are in sticker shock because the cost of clothing here is pretty much dollar for pound (even though a 2 dollars make a pound). And the classism always exists in insecure people. Here, it comes in the quality of the petticoat. Also, the girls are allowed to have an embroidered pattern in their skirts (still grey on grey). The companies change the pattern each year, so the other girls know if you have this years pattern or clearance / hand-me-downs from prior years.

Overall I think uniforms are very very benificial to kids. It helps put them in the mindset for school.

Scott G said...

A uniform would have been nice in college. The women would wear boxers, small shorts, pajamas, and tank tops to class. How are you supposed to be safe in organic chem lab when you can't concentrate, I mean you are wearing very little clothing.

Glad I could make someone laugh. I still believe the words of Jim Valvano when he said, "if you can laugh, cry, and think, you have had a good day." It was something close to that, but you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

That certainly does not make for a pleasant experience. Some day in the distant future in a land far, far away, Aubrey and you will be able to look back and say: -------
Heck, I don't know, but I'm sure you both will think of something.

Holly said...

Sadly, the experience you are having is not at all uncommon, but it breaks my heart that Aubrey is having to go through this! But I know you, you'll get it taken care of! ;-)

I've experienced bullying problems in both of my kids' schools, they seem to want to pacify it rather than actually dealing with it most of the time UGH! Hope things get better soon lady!
**huggles** to you AND Aubrey!

Jill said...

Wow, Lisa Renee, I am so sorry to read these experiences. I know as a mother, you feel like every decision is so vital - you put so much thought into it and then the system goes and f**ks with you - I totally understand (it happened to me last week in our school).

Likewise for your daughter. As much as I know that the negative experiences I had (in 6th grade, this high fashion girl who very sadly committed suicide when she was in her late 20s told me that I looked like I wore clothes that my cat spit out and in junior high this one tough girl who befriended me and then unbefriended me all the time made fun of my hair because I didn't know how to use a curling iron - ugh, those Farrah Fawcett "wings") have made me more compassionate and maybe even tougher, it just simply SUCKS to have to live through them OR watch your child go through it.

Here's to tomorrow being a better day, and each one better after that.