Monday, September 11, 2006

Because cake is always a good topic...

While I don't think I have to worry about being offered a job as a professional cake decorator, Aubrey prefers homemade cakes and always creates a challenge for me as to what each year's birthday cake will look like. This is our version of a "purse cake". A three layer white cake with strawberry jelly in between each layer and white frosting colored green because Aubrey has become a recent fan of the color green...

Thankfully due to some quick action on my part the cake was saved from being ruined by one of the cats that decided to violate the house rule of no cats on the table. He evidently felt he could not resist trying to sample some of the frosting...



Scott G said...

Franki still hasn't learned that just because I make a plate and sit it on the counter, doesn't mean she has to eat it

Anonymous said...

Ya never can tell what may happen.
Wixey Bakery (remember those luscious doughnuts a while back?) just might want to hire you for their new homemade and home decorated cake line.

p.s. Happy Birthday, Aubrey!!!

Unknown said...

Quilla would have gone for it if she would have figured out how to get on the table with the chairs pushed in.

If it would have been me, I would have wanted a cake from Wixey's...and some doughnuts...and cookies too.


Scott G said...

Take lots of embarassing pictures too. That way when they get older and rebellious, you can threaten to show them to her friends

Jill said...

That is excellent, Lisa Renee! My kids also prefer homemade cakes, specifically, my mother's mocha cake which I now make religiously - oops, I mean, you know, every year. :) I think I might have mentioned this cake before.

But we've also gone through the shapes thing too - one year I used a VW mold for my oldest, another year, I actually followed online instructions that turned a cake into a space shuttle and on and on. My youngest has been easy - he likes cupcakes!

Happy b-day to your daughter.

Cyberseaer said...

The cake is good to look at. But I wouldn't eat since I don't like cake. I thought I had shot one of the VHs, but I now see he miss the virtual bullet and fainted and he is sleeping now. And that was my last virtual bullet. The rest are on back order. The Hamsters have won this round, but I will be back. DUM DUM DUUUUMMMMMMMM

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Cats are naturally attracted to frosting, I think it's that little bit of the devil in each of them ;-)

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Sorry about the tardiness, I just had to get away for a bit...