Friday, March 10, 2006

A chance for some self-perspective or maybe not....

I visit the blogs I've written about in the Toledo Free Press after they are selected, some of them become favorite places to try to stop by. When I visited Petey P this morning, I found out about this Interactive Johari Window (which I had never heard of before) and it looked interesting. is your chance to rate me by clicking here it asks you to pick five or six words that you would pick to describe me.

Then using this link I and those of you who visit can see what if any pattern develops. There is also one for criticism but I'll save that for a later date for those of you lurking out there that don't like me. (lol).

If you want to get your own Johari Window? Start here.

Goes to show you how little I knew about studies in interpersonal relationships because when checking the FAQ's I discovered:

The Johari Window originated in a 1955 paper by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham, "The Johari window, a graphic model of interpersonal awareness". There's more information about the Johari Window on its Wikipedia page, including some context.


Mark said...

So which words did you pick, Lisa?

Unknown said...

You know I expected the words I picked to show up, but I guess after reading about it that's something that isn't done so you can see how others see you as opposed to yourself.

I should have written down which ones I picked since I thought they'd show up too, I know I had a hard time finding 6, logical, extroverted and idealistic are three I know I chose.


Unknown said...

Oh no...Mike thinks I'm mature....

I guess I have him fooled...hehehe

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Too bad the choices were limited to five.

And, prolific (as in blogging) wasn't one of them ;-)

Unknown said...

Yes, prolific would have been a good one. Obviously you can tell this was designed without me in mind.


Mark said...

Gain any self-perspective?

Unknown said...

Eh, maybe a little, I was surprised knowledgeable came up. And definitely suprised Mike thought I was mature, especially since he's been with me in person. (lol)

I was hoping Miguel or Emily would do it since curiousity made me wonder what five or six words my husband and daughter would pick but he's been swamped at work and Em is driving back and forth between here and Indiana. Her internship needed her to go to one of their other plants where they are having problems. So maybe they'll get to it later, I told them both about it.


Today I had to take the puppy to the vet for her first set of shots and I was right...she is going to be a lot bigger than a Shih Tzu, but the vet has no idea what she's mixed with except for what I thought "some kind of terrier". She's only 14 weeks old and weighs ten pounds so she's going to be around 20/25 pounds. Granted that's not a big dog but Draco weighed less than she did when he was full grown.

Erin had to take the baby with her and the one vet tech thought she was abusing it because she had to try to insert the magnetic key in it's back to get it to stop crying. (that was funny)

Mark said...

I can't just imagine that! lol

Mark said...

That was supposed to be can...another long day of driving through bad weather, sorry.