Thursday, February 02, 2006

Reality TV fans....

Survivor....Exile Island...Panama....


I've been checking out some of the 16 Survivors, a pretty interesting mix.

Who will Aubrey pick as her favorite? Will she and I actually root for the same person? That's never happened yet.


Next? Amazing Race....February 28th - they are back to two person teams again after the last one was Family Amazing Race.

And for Lilly and I? Big Brother 7 is scheduled to start July 9th...


Scott G said...

Lilly still hasn't caught up on her sleep from the live feeds last season.

Unknown said...

Hopefully she'll be ready by July.


Cyberseaer said...

Will there be an update to this post? I will Tivo the show while I am in class, so I don't want to come here and read the ending. We will be rooting for Austin since that is who was given to us in out little Surivior pool.

Amazing Race is better, since everyone gets tried and cranky and made to go to different countries makes for more conflict and more entertaining TV. I guess I'm just a sicko.

Unknown said...

Nope C, same rules as before, apply neither one of us will post or email about Survivor or Amazing Race or West Wing (though that almost doesn't matter) until we know the other one has actually seen it. Or states otherwise.


Unknown said...

I wondered who you you have Austin....I'm leaning towards Bruce....

Aubrey has selected Misty....

(now that should surprise you - lmao) NOT

Cyberseaer said...

Ah, the rules. I forgot about them. Thank you for reminding me. I will let you know tomorrow who I think will win (since $300 is on the line I still must root for Austin). No real eye candy for the guys this time around, but the girls seem to have a nice selection to drool over. :)

Drew Dallons said...

I used to be so addicted to Survivor... starting Season 2. My g/f and I took a trip to Seattle during the finale and ended up staying in our hotel room glued to the set instead of out enjoying our vacation... it's that addictive...

Unknown said...

Welcome to the Survivor addicts bunch Drew.


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Keep up the good work
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Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »