Friday, January 20, 2006

Apathy in the Public yet heat in Washington DC

In a huge moment of irony....The Washington Post first shares this article GOP Contest Prompts Yawns Outside Beltway

As some House Republicans campaign to oust their scandal-blemished GOP leadership team, they are facing an obstacle back home. It seems many voters could not care less.

If this is true, it means the Democrats are going to have to find another message rather than ethics alone. As many of us have stated it has to be more than that, there has to be a clear message of what are you going to do....not "oh look at what those bad Republicans did"...

I think those of us in Ohio know this first hand from not only our local election but on a state level as well.

But? While the Washington Post is reporting apathy outside of DC, inside DC? Reid Apologizes for News Release is the next story. Evidently a staffer was a bit to thorough in digging up the dirt on Republicans who cried "Foul!".

"Republicans cannot be trusted to end the culture of corruption" was the title and it appears Reid did not read the document before it was sent out.

'The idea of Republicans reforming themselves is like asking John Gotti to clean up organized crime.' "

Then a whole laundry list of "bad behavior" such as:

GOP Sen. George Allen's days as Virginia governor (1993) he once "kept a noose and a confederate flag in his office and home"

Before we all say tsk tsk to the Democrats though:

In 2004, House Republicans changed party rules to allow Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) to remain as majority leader if indicted, but they rescinded the action under heavy public criticism. DeLay relinquished the leadership post last year after a Texas grand jury indicted him on charges of money laundering.

Last April, the legal counsel to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) resigned after admitting that he wrote a memo about possible political advantages to Republicans who intervened in the case of Terri Schiavo, a severely brain-damaged woman in Florida.

The never ending cycle of the fine art of tit for tat as displayed by our career politicians....One of the many reasons to check out VOID and to continue to demand real plans, real goals and not just the never ending finger pointing.


Drew Dallons said...

That's the problem. People don't know who to trust anymore. Money seems to rule Washington, not ethics. I think this is one of the major reasons I'm still registered as (I) on my voting paperwork. I guess I am still hungry for a better choice than the two I'm continually given.

Unknown said...

Agreed, I keep wishing for that "Political Savior" that never seems to appear.

Sometimes the decision is a no-brainer but other times it's a hard decision. Especially in the primaries. Oh to have a crystal ball....


Scott G said...

Should I be upset about it even though it is no surprise. I could act shocked and upset, but they are all doing it in one way or another

Anonymous said...

See, for me, the problem with listening to national Dems whine about this stuff is:
1) I grew up with Clinton as President and so I heard about HIS scandals and ethics issues and got those firmly imbedded in my brain.
2) Most (except the war) that Dems have to complain about Bush & Co. doing nationally, my state-level Dems are doing...and getting caught, indicted and all the rest for here.

So, I can't imagine how they can claim it's a Rep thing. They're both doing it.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"They're both doing it."


No one in the D or R camps is totally without fault.

That's why I prefer that the political parties be disbanded and everyone run on their own merit, instead as a member ot their "team..."

Political parties have outlived their usefulness (if they were ever useful to begin with, other than in a corrupting sort of way).

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, HT. I do.

It's just that the Constitution kind of gets in the way with that...


What can ya' do?