Sunday, December 11, 2005

A snowy research day...

Blogging is light today and was light yesterday. I'm working on my first carnival piece for the new “Carnival of Ohio Politics” that Paul at the wonderful Northwest Ohio Net is putting together. Look for it on December 14th, one of the most wonderous days of the year (My oldest son's Birthday!).

As well as finishing up the adobe indian home project, going to the laundromat to entertain the group of regulars that goes early on Sunday before church. (I'm gaining quite a fan base there - lol) While I miss having a washer and dryer there are some advantages to going to the laundromat. One, all of your laundry is done in under two hours. Two, it's a good chance to talk to lots of other people, some you've never met before. Since I never have a problem talking (anyone who as talked to me on the phone is shaking their head in agreement - lol) you can have some pretty awesome discussions beyond the typical "Where in the HELL do those socks Go?". It gives me a chance to see on a weekly basis how other people in Toledo feel about politics, or just life in general. As I left and gave out a loud "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to those I know, must be a bunch of Christmas lovers there - the large response back was? "MERRY CHRISTMAS".



Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Heartwarming in this increasingly secular world ;-)

But, still a little too soon for many rounds of Merry CHRISTmas!


Unknown said...

I've been doing my own "personal" experiment. So far every person I've said "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to has said it back.


Scott G said...

I think everyone will say it back except for crazy people because it is the polite thing to do. I don't have a problem with Merry Christmas, just people saying that there is a war on Christmas because some say Happy Holidays.

Unknown said...

When I worked at a gas station part time, I said "Merry Christmas", I got a few "Happy Hanukah's" a few "Happy Holidays" in return. And a few dirty glares but then saying "Have a Nice Day" at times got you a dirty glare every now and then.

I think those trying to force "Happy Holidays" are just as wrong as those trying to force "Merry Christmas" but then maybe I should just worry about the cats trying to destroy my "Holiday" tree.


Scott G said...

That is right. You have to deal with the enmy within first

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"So far every person I've said "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to has said it back."

You noticed that too!

It's working!


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"...but then maybe I should just worry about the cats trying to destroy my "Holiday" tree."

Your cats wouldn't do that to a Christmas tree :-]

Unknown said...

I was seeing if you were going to catch that...

