Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Another reason to support VOID

From today's Washington Post:

Strong antiwar comments in recent days by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean have opened anew a party rift over Iraq, with some lawmakers warning that the leaders' rhetorical blasts could harm efforts to win control of Congress next year.

Several Democrats joined President Bush yesterday in rebuking Dean's declaration to a San Antonio radio station Monday that "the idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong."

Most of these incumbents spend to much time infighting among themselves and the various factions of both the Republican and the Democratic party rather than actually doing their job.

Vote Out Incumbents for Democracy.....


Scott G said...

I think that Dean's comment was moronic. We can win the war with a change in strategy that may mean bringing many troops home to remove them as an excuse for continues attacks. I opposed the war, but I don't think we are at a point where we should just give up now.

As far as Pelosi, she is a worth little windbag. 2 weeks ago, Murtha spoke just for himself and she didn't agree. This week after polls show that people agree with Murtha, she does too.

Unknown said...

Or worse yet Paul is when they complain and they didn't even bother to vote.

I haven't checked the whole Dean quote since the media has demonstrated skill at taking things out of context but if it is as stated? It wasn't a smart move on his part.

Scott G said...

The mayor of my little town has been in office since the 70's and usually runs unopposed. He promised the families who live there pars, but has instead opened the city up to strip malls. The people won't vote for someone else though because he has always been mayor

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I'm not totally sold on VOID, but I am much in favor of very strict term limits to all elected offices.

2 terms in office, any office (or combination of offices) and you're outa here...

Unknown said...

If people did two terms and out VOID wouldn't even exist. I understand not everyone is going to agree with it, and that's fine with me. Basically you are doing the same thing if you vote out anyone who has had two term limits.


Scott G said...

I don't necessarily support VOID because I believe there are still some politicians who are good in office. But it might not be a bad idea to start over with what we have now