Saturday, November 26, 2005

*GASP* In 1985 Alito was a...Conservative...

Sigh...After the whole John Roberts situation where so many on the left focused on every miniscule piece of information down to trying to re-write what actual cases were about, here we go again.

Already Alito's decisions are being twisted, some on the left are convinced Alito is anti-abortion, anti-women and anti-civil rights. Today the New York Times gives us the shocking news that in 1985 (yes, 20 years ago) Alito belonged to the Princeton Concerned Alumni. These horrible men actually had the nerve to be upset about legacy students with high GPA's and test scores not being admitted yet admission standards for miniority applicants were lowered. What elitists to actually want any of their children to attend the college that they did. Who do they think they are? (I wish I was joking but that is basically a summation of several of the statements made.)

First off, I again state it doesn't matter what the New York Times, Armando, or any of the anti-Bush bunch thinks about Alito. It really doesn't matter what I think about Alito. George Bush was re-elected to the White House, the Republicans control the majority of the Senate. There is not going to be this huge outcry against Alito to demand all Senators vote against him. The hearings have not even started, and even when they do? Alito is a good candidate, yes, he is a conservative but who else would you expect George Bush is going to nominate? A liberal? Yeah that will happen.

Here is some cold hard reality. The majority of Americans can't even tell you who all of the Supreme Court members are nor do they really care who is nominated to the Supreme Court. Yes, it is an important position, but how many of them do you think actually went into the voting booth thinking about which man would make better Supreme Court appointments? The majority of Americans care about the economy, education, health care and then the war in Iraq and terrorism. Unless the Republican Senate doesn't like him, Alito will be confirmed. That's what happens when you have a majority and we already know there are Democrats who will vote for Alito as it stands at this juncture. There will be no filibuster, just like there will be no impeachment.

Yes, I know this is very "unliberal" of me but I can't see wasting time and energy on a situation that is nothing more than a pretend political pissing match when the end result of this is pretty clear. The Democrats will bluster and make statements about how Alito isn't this or isn't that and isn't open enough, yadadadada, the Republicans will make Alito sound like Saint Alito come in on his white horse to rule only on the law with no personal bias at all. The opposition groups will come in and state how against Alito they are and barring some type of a major situation like he abuses children or bitch slaps a Senator during the hearing? He will be confirmed.

There are some very important issues facing Congress that people could have influence on, but wasting time trying to make huge issues out of something that happened in 1985 will not only not be successful; it will guarantee that if there is a power shift and the Republicans lose control? I feel sorry for any future candidates. That's the way they play the game in Washington, because we keep sending the same people back to do the same game of "It's different when we do it".

Now would be a really good time if you haven't done so yet to visit VOID . There is an alternative to having the same incumbents election after election who not only are influenced by lobbyist dollars but have become such career politicians that some of them have lost sight of what the real reason they are supposed to be there is.

This post will be my first attempt at partipating at an Open Trackback Alliance thru The Uncooperative Blogger's site. It might be a bit firey for a first one but I'm throwing caution to the wind. (If you want more information as to what the Open Trackback Alliance is? There is a link on the sidebar as well as the blogroll listed.)


Unknown said...

Well I think I have successfully accomplished my first manual trackback ping.


Brian Bonner said...

Excellent job, I hope my readers enjoy it, and learn from it. I am tired of politicians as a whole, and I wish we could be free of all parties.

Oh, yes you were sucessful in your first trackback, but it is not a ping, that is different. Although who cares about the little details.

This is why I started the open trackbacks, so that my readers and I can be exposed to other people's articles. It also allows me to have some time to read other people's blogs. ;^)

Unknown said...

Thanks UB, I thought I pinged when I did the form trackback where is says "ping" but? That part of the process is new to me. Hopefully it's easier than CSS - lol.

Thank you for the compliment and thank you for visiting. I am looking forward to doing my first open trackback post and continuing to read your blog as well.


David said...

1.) " Yes, it is an important position, but how many of them do you think actually went into the voting booth thinking about which man would make better Supreme Court appointments?"

Uhm, this voter, for one. Sure, the other things are important, but what our courts do or don't do can have an effect as devastating to the republic as any of the other issues mentioned.

2.) Almost along with the uncooperative blogger, I am in favor of a two party system, I just wish we had a realistic choice of two OTHER parties... (and none of the so-called "third parties" makes the grade with me either). I kinda wish we could see a few more classic liberals (in the mold of John Stuart Mill). And a few more social conservatives in the mold of R.L. Dabney.

But that'll not happen in politics today, cos both of them were blessed with an abundance of intelligence.

3.) Uhm, uc, trackbacks DO ping. It's in the specs. But it's just a part of the trackbacking process.

Cyberseaer said...

I am in favor of bitch slapping Senators. If we can only pass an Amendment to bitch slap any Sentor that goes off on any tangent, I would be happy.

Of course, they all go off on tangents. But then the Senate would turn into a Three Stooges TV series. I would watch C-Span 1,2 and 3 for that kind of entertainment. Reality TV goes to DC. ;)

Unknown said...

David, you are not the majority of Americans, I don't think any of us who either blog or comment on blogs are. I'm not trying to be elitist but the reality is we do spend more time on the issues and discussion than the person who watches one source of local/national news and reads one newspaper. Just to use the nearby city of Toledo as an example, it's obvious the majority of voters here did not pay attention to any of the facts about several of the candidates when it came to several serious ethics issues. I don't think Toledo has the market on uninformed voters.

I thought about the possible Supreme Court seats as well, it was one of the reasons I did not support either Kerry or Bush. It was my fear that both those men would concentrate more on the abortion/religion aspects of their party platform in trying to select a Supreme Court Justice rather than someone who was well versed in the Consitution. I full well realize that is not a requirement and the history of those who have not even had legal experience as Supreme Court Justices, but the legal world is a much more complicated place now than it was. I don't think it is necessary for a Justice to have been a Judge, as there are some candidates who do have an excellent background in Constitutional Law but I think we are no longer at a place in time where someone with a non-legal background could pass a hearing.

I have to give President Bush credit in selecting John Roberts, who of course is also a conservative but does have a demonstrated level of skill and experience. Personally there are other candidates I felt would have been better than Alito but Alito also has a demonstrated experience.

Thanks for the "ping" support, I do know how to do a real "ping" (I used to work level one tech support for ATT@home) but I do realize I still have alot to learn when it comes to CSS and the other mechanics of blogging.

C, I thought you'd enjoy that statement. I have to admit that with the way there is so much stupidity that happens there at times I wish there was a button that could be pushed with a huge gloved hand that came down and gave a "smack smack" to some of them.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I still favor removing Partisan Party Politics by removing the party system entirely, along with 90+% of the political grief currently in government.

Make them all run on their own message and merits, with an annual election-day stay or go vote based on how well the did what they campaigned on.

Two terms Max and then back to civilian life.

That would certainly change things...,

FOr the better, I would think.

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