Wednesday, October 05, 2005

tsk tsk Toledo's own Katie Holmes

Seems the pledge Katie talked about in 2003 to the Sunday London Times "I will stay a virgin until marriage" must have had a Tom Cruise clause in there given today's news:

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Movie star Tom Cruise and his fiancee, actress Katie Holmes, are expecting a baby together, a spokeswoman for the actor said Wednesday.

Another reason why I think it's stupid to hold people like Katie Holmes up as an example for our children. Movie stars and sports people are not heros, nor do most of them really mean what they spew to get publicity.

While I'm not dissing Katie for getting pregnant while unmarried, I am dissing her for making such a huge deal out this whole "virginal" girl image then demonstrating her beliefs and morals really didn't mean a heck of a lot in the end.

Unless of course it turns out to be a virgin birth....


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

"Movie stars and sports people are not heros..."

They are NOT heros, they are our American Royalty. Sad, isn't it...?

As for her "virginal" girl image, that was before she was brainwashed, err...
before she became a Scientologist.

And, now that her brain has been thoroughly washed, she can't seem to do a thing with it...

Virgin birth? What does that do to belie Tom's (rumored) alleged sexual preference (or, the lack thereof)?

Now, let’s talk about a bit about mechanics:

Fact: Tom is clearly shorter than Katie.

Q. Do you think that someone had to "put him up to it?"


Cyberseaer said...

Let's see. We are talking about a good actor who has gone nuts (as his actions on all the talk shows have proven recently) who has gotten a not so good actress (she wasn't even that good in the recent Batman flick)knocked up before he married her. Ok, someone remind me again, why do I care?

Oh yeah, this is America and I must pay attention to this crappola so that the powers that be can do anything they want and I won't notice. Ok, that's it for me.

Unknown said...

We are supposed to care here C because she is "Toledo's own Katie Holmes" my friend may be excused because you don't live in Toledo. Yes, it's a hard cross those of us who live here must bear...


Scott G said...

Everyone plans to remain pure until marriage until after they hear how good sex is.