Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The nazis are coming!

All over the news now is the "big" rally that the National Socialist Movement was coming to Toledo to march because of reports of gangs harrassing a neighborhood. Bob Frantz talked about it earlier and Toledo Eleven just had a panic piece about how there will be extra police, that the Chief of Police is going to need help to deal with this problem on next Saturday. Supposedly the Lucas County Sherriff's office will also be called in to help with security if needed.

Interesting this neighborhood in question has been the victim of gang violence and was demanding increased police protection/patrols. Yet what brings the increased police? It's not dealing with the gangs. It's worrying about a small group that hasn't even bothered to get a permit yet. Gang violence? Letters threatening to kill you? Sorry neighborhood, you just have to deal with it. However Nazis talking about coming here? QUICK! Call some meetings, have some press conferences! Call the FBI! Let's give them some more attention so more people will show up!

I'd list a link to Toledo Eleven news on this important story, however they don't have one up. The Katie Holmes story is the breaking news....

UPDATE: Toledo Tales has the "latest" on this situation.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

The last time (~ 10 years ago) when the Klan came to town, Chief Navarre had both Toledo Police officers and Lucas county Sheriff's deputies, both on foot and on horses, and dressed in full riot gear, to welcome them. It was impressive!

That, and the (as I recall), ~ 8-foot high portable fencing sections chained together to make a wall, kept the Klan and the spectators adequately separated, for everybody's safety.

The motivation for that response was the same as it is for the upcoming event, to prevent Toledo from being embarrassed, not to protect the residents of the neighborhood.

Chief Navarre's response was admirable, however the motivation for it MAY not have been his (as in, politics vs. police work).

Unknown said...

I remember the last time too, I just find it very ironic that had the safety of Toledo been an concern before this wouldn't be an issue. I also don't have a problem with them planning, however to make a huge deal about it in the news gives the NSM the appearance that they are a) worth worrying about and b) getting what this is really about, some pr thanks to Toledo.

If they actually file for a permit? Then planning would be appropriate however merely getting a PR release shouldn't be enough to touch off this whole saga. The response should be "No permit? No story".

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

But in Toledo it would take an awful lot to get turned down for a permit...

Of course this non-event will be attended by dozens of media types, hundreds of local anti-Nazi protesters and a few weenies in brown shirts.

I would be surprised if the gangs showed. They're not that stupid, unlike the crowds and weenies that I previously mentioned...

Cyberseaer said...

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH Katie Holmes!!! Must pay attention to Katie's plight. Must resit to learn about people getting hurt or that a newer verison of an old evil is coming to town.

Katie, show us the way to forget about our moral upbring just to have sex. OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Cyberseaer said...

The Katie Holmes story on the news, kinda proves my point form the last blog.

Anonymous said...

The National Socialist Movement does not need a permit to conduct the event we are planning to conduct.

We expect a few dozen of our supporters to attend and essentially no anti-racists or counter-demonstrators.

Contrary to the belief expressed here, on the few occassions any counterdemonstrators have appeared at our events, they have generally been substantially outnumbered.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

You bragging that you'll have that many brown shirts there, white boy?

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

So, white boy, your site lists 7740 articles, all your's?

I didn't click on anything while I was (briefly) there; you never know what you could pick up in places like that.

It reminded me (a lot) of a public toilet...


My apologies, but apparently, this is where the slime ball is hanging out...

Maybe an insecticide bomb or a few gallons of chlorine will do the trick :-\

I'm done with you white boy, you are dismissed.

Anonymous said...

I don't think a few dozen people are worth bragging about. We will hold a march as we always have, and the blacks will do as they always have -- talk a lot, and then run and hide when confronted -- as they have every other time we've marched against their ridiculous criminal behavior.

I don't think either one of you can handle I would recommend you both stick to MTV, BET and other, more comfortable Jewish entertainment products.

As to your insults and challenges, as a media certified oppressor of the Negro people, my record of dealing with loud mouthed blacks and their supporters I think speaks for itself. I've cleaned out entire neighborhoods of you people -- literally dragging you from your homes kicking and screaming -- and I don't think you particularly pose any special problem.

* Simply a businessman or a 'flat-out neo-Nazi'?

Unknown said...

Bill, here, ten years ago the demonstrators were outnumbered by the counter-protestors. I do feel that it is a waste of tax payer dollars to arrange for "security" when your group comes given the reason there is not enough security in that neighborhood is lack of police protection. It seems counterproductive. Not to mention these "Gangs" are not going to confront you. They will however probably step up their harrasssment of the neighborhood after you leave. So I question your reasons for demonstrating.

According to the Toledo Chief of Police, Mike Navarre on Channel 11 last night he stated you had to have a permit. So I'd suggest you check with the City. I will check also because if you do not need a permit then it should be clarified.

You of course do have the right to demonstrate. I disagree with your message and I question the purpose of this being helpful to anyone except a PR attempt by your group. So just as I supported Cindy Sheehan's right to protest but felt she was going about it the wrong way? Have to say I feel the same way about this. Thank you for commenting though.


Unknown said...

As for the "you" people? I didn't realize your group had a problem with White, Catholic stay at home mom's who are tired of the government wasting tax dollars that don't see how spending money on security for you to come march is going to help the neighborhood.

I'd also point out to you that since this is my blog, you are welcome to post here as long as you act in the same civil manner I expect from everyone.

Unknown said...

I'd also say to you Bill, that you missed my point. I don't care that you protest, my problem with this is if the city was really concerned about security they would have spent the money that it is going to cost when your group comes on the neighborhood.

You can march down any street you want if that makes you happy, but don't expect me to jump for joy at the cost of paying for security for you to do that when it could be used for purposes that would actually solve something.

Now, if your group were to reimburse the city for all of the costs associated with this demonstration? It would be a non-issue wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well,I have been in toledo on the Northend in good neighborhoods down on Northwyck Drive.It was Halloween and me and my 2 WHITE brothers were walking when a "Group" of blacks...Wont say gang because people will become offended were chased down,We had to RUN,or we would have been killed or hurt badly.Now how is there not a problem when 3 white kids are almost chased down for no reason,Im a minor and i will not be at this protest but i wont be afraid to share my opinion.Im glad the Nsm is coming,it needs to happen,I am a firm believer that whites should be with whites and blacks should be with blacks...Call me racist but im not,Im tired of all of it,Gangs who terrorize simply WHITES.And im sure MR.Bill White will agree with me on this topic,and my particular view.

Unknown said...

Justin, no one should be offended by calling groups who harrass people "gangs" no matter what color they are. Yes you should be able to walk down any street and not be harrassed or chased by anyone. If I thought this demonstration was the way to solve situations like you went thru? I'd feel differently.

As far as the whole whites should be with whites and blacks with blacks? I don't agree with you, I think skin color shouldn't matter that good people should be with good people. No one race is bad, however there are those within each race most of us are ashamed of, or at least should be. Targeting any race for violence isn't right.

Anonymous said...

Well,If the police cant do anything who will?...This protest is a good thing,to get up and show these black folks that just because were outnumbered doesnt mean youll win.Whites ruled once now were a soon to be minority,Affirmative action is BS...blacks get too many rights.Then theres the SIMPLE fact that they are so racist its unbelieveable...Im not a racist i just got my views,And the one simply being "Im white,and white with right is right and black with white is JACK"...Personal opinion,but i respect blacks.and this is MY overall OPINION.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with anyone who stands up for those who commit violence against white people.

And I believe you had a poorly organized Klan rally ten years. The National Socialist Movement is much larger, and in many caes has subsumed, the various branches of the Ku Klux Klan.

Unknown said...

Well anonymous you seem to think one demonstration is going to solve anything. I don't. I see it as a waste of money that should be used to really deal with the issue of Gang violence.

Bill, I have a problem with people who use violence against anyone. It doesn't solve anything. When you leave this neighborhood and the violence increases are you going to be responsible for it? Of course not, you come in get the PR attention then move on to another city. You don't live here nor are you really trying to help anyone.

You can have as many people post here as you want, however it doesn't change the basic facts. The most important one being? Your march is not going to end Gang violence in that or any neighborhood.

I'm surprised you are coming back given how "we" people are. Either you are really enjoying discussing this with "us" or things must be slow on Overthrow. Be careful though, you might find out some of us are pretty nice and aren't fond of either BET or MTV.


Anonymous said...

Bill,I am from toledo,And i would like to speak with you,I agree with what your doing 100%.Is there anyway i can contact you,personally or do i have to contact a group number?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the debate here. FACT: Negroid GANGS are leaving threatening notes on peoples lawn stating that they will be killed.
FACT: Blacks commit HATE CRIMES against white people at a rate of 8 to 1!
And some of you morons like hooda thunkit want to DEFEND those sub-human animals??
Sounds like the whites need to run you and your idiot kind out of town along with the negroid gangs! You're obviously a waste of skin.

SS Mann Mark Martin

Unknown said...

SS Mann Mark Martin, you are welcome to post here if you want to be civil. I deleted your second post and realistically the above one is questionable.

I've made my points on why I believe this demonstration will solve nothing. So far there has been nothing stated that proves that is not true.

I'd also suggest to you the FACTS show that the white person in question doesn't want your support nor did he ask for it. He feels you are going to make his life more difficult and put him more at risk.

Jonathan said...

Damn,'d you get the Aryan Nation to slither its way over here?

You get spammers, you get skinheads...dammit, woman, you get ALL the fun! No fair!! ;)

Cyberseaer said...

I can just feel the love, understanding, and reason running through my brain. As for the dark hue haters, relax and drink some beer. Umm, on second thought maybe you've had enough beer. Your judgement seems a little too far off the scale.

Plus, I think you guys need to get laid a little more often, but that's my opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

Well,We didnt slither over here,im from toledo,and i agree with this movement,Black people are above the rest when it comes to crimes.We need to stop this,its getting out of hand.NSM says a few dozen? bring them all,all they got...Maybe this one little march wont stop THE problem at hand but it WILL let the blacks know our white race shouldnt be expected to run away,

I am NOT any part of the NSM,or do i claim hatred,these are MY responses the the ridiculous conversation on this BLOG

Jonathan said...

Well,We didnt slither over here,im from toledo

I'll ignore your numerous grammatical and punctuational faux pas, and instead focus on the comment itself:

You misunderstood me, Genius.

By "slithering over here", "here" means "this blog", not Toledo.

Then again, I didn't need to say a word to demonstrate your intellectual acumen (or glaring lack thereof). Find a grown-up to translate this comment for you, Junior.

Unknown said...

I guess there's just something about me Jonathan, I keep telling you it's the hamsters - lol

Justin, all I can really say to you is I understand why you are angry but that I think for you to blame a whole race just because of it is counterproductive.

Unknown said...

And, Justin why aren't you in school?

Anonymous said...

I go to school until 11:30,And for you to be technical makes no flaw in my state of being,I can also be intelligent with grammar,So my lack thereof is more time then any other disability,But this isnt jeopardy its TIME.


historymike said...

Funny how young Justin K's blog just happened to appear the same time that the Nazis started spewing their hate on your blog, Lisa.

Coincidence? Maybe. Perhaps Justin just got out of bed and recognized his Nazi affinities the same time that Mr. White showed up. Who knows...

It just occurred to me that we might be better served by getting a busload of Toledoans to drive to Mr. White's house and picket, instead of counter-demonstrations here in Toledo.

Unknown said...

I noticed that Mike, but here I was telling myself that maybe I inspired Justin to blog. I am flattered he chose me over Bob Frantz. (/snark)

I've done some research on our Mr. White, he is certainly an interesting character.


Subcomandante Bob said...

Interseting ain't even the half of it, Lisa.

Be sure to check out Toledo Tales' continuous live coverage of Nazifest 2005.

The second installment just hit the wire.

Unknown said...

OMG, Bob, that picture?

Now that was a diet pepsi thru the nose moment.


Unknown said...

Paul, you did not cross any lines, though I do believe Justin is who he states he is.

I don't expect everyone here to agree and it's obvious on this issue we don't. I just expect civility which with the exception of one comment we've managed to all do very well.

I hope Justin does keep blogging but that he expands his horizons beyond this topic and some of the suggestions you made to him are ones I agree would be better steps than a one day protest/demonstration. After it's over the inital problems still remain and could possibly even be increased.