Saturday, October 01, 2005

Independent Counsel costs out of control

The Washington Post as well as other newspapers has written about the Cisneros case from time to time. The above linked article was in today's paper. Why this has been allowed to continue this long makes no sense. The initial idea of the Independent Counsel was a good one, however it is obvious that there needs to be better controls in place.

In April of 2005:

Nearly a decade after he was appointed to investigate then-Housing Secretary Henry G. Cisneros, independent counsel David M. Barrett spent more than $1.26 million of federal money in the last six months of fiscal 2004, the Government Accountability Office reported yesterday.

Since its inception, the Cisneros investigation has cost nearly $21 million, a total rivaling some of the largest independent counsel investigations in history. Much of the money has gone for pay and benefits, travel, rent and contractors.


This spring, Republicans and Democrats voiced outrage over the news that independent counsel David M. Barrett was still pursuing a decade-long, $21 million investigation into a crime long confessed and paid for. Without debate, the Senate unanimously agreed to strip Barrett of further funding for his inquiry on former housing secretary Henry G. Cisneros.

But, prodded by conservative commentators, House Republican leaders grew convinced that Democrats were trying to suppress embarrassing revelations about the Clinton administration. The Senate provision was ditched behind closed doors, and Barrett and his staff continue to work -- at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $2 million a year -- on an inquiry that seemingly ended 13 months ago.

It is not clear what Barrett's office is doing on a day-to-day basis, but the audit provided broad categories of expenditures. Barrett spent $464,009 on pay and benefits over six months; $24,014 on travel; $236,316 on rent, phone bills and utilities; $103,233 on contractors, mainly lawyers on retainer; and $74,178 on administrative services.

John Scofield, spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee, said yesterday that Congress has no business intervening in an independent counsel's investigation -- which, after all, is supposed to be independent.

Besides, he said, moves to strip Barrett's funding amount to "legal assistance from Democrats trying to cover up a report that would tar them."

If he hasn't found anything yet? It's over people and it shouldn't take two years for him to write a report, which he still isn't done with, supposedly sometime in 2006. While ethics and investigations are important? This is obviously being abused and it's time to reign in some of these costs. Do the ends justify the means? Let's see, over 21 million dollars spent and Cisneros pled guilty to lying to the FBI about money he paid to a former mistress. Cisneros paid a $10,000 fine and a $25 court assessment in 1999 and was later pardoned by Clinton.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Politics for the sake of politics and it is simply disgusting...

Everybody should step back, take a deep breath, exhale, and get real.

Speaking of Don Quixote...

Jonathan said...

I hated nearly everything about the Clinton administration, and I won't get into it all here. Suffice it to say, I too believe this "investigation" continuing is stupid!

Memo to the GOP: Bill Clinton isn't president anymore! Let it go already!