Thursday, October 06, 2005

Enough, just finish it and be done with it

Besides demonstrating these independent counsel investigations are a waste of time and money I wonder when this whole Rove/Plame investigation will end. I would be seriously suprised if anyone is indicted and if they are it will probably be Scooter. This whole thing has been a joke from the beginning and does not appear to be changing. Despite those out there that fantasize about Rove being frogmarched out of the Whitehouse I think most of us realize this like most of the other independent counsels will end up with more questions than answers.

Congress should take a good look at the process because it's not working.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Another bad episode brought to you by:

Short Attention Span Theatre

And the bleat goes on,
and the bleat goes on...

Scott G said...

Are you sure you want Congress to investigate the effectiveness of the independent investigations? We would have committees investigating committees who oversee other committees

Anonymous said...

Hooda thunkit says this episode is brought to us by Short Attention Span Theatre.
Don't forget all the spin we are expected to swallow from the government-sponsored public relations firm of Fakov & Dai.