There were close to 49 people on board and none of them were wearing life jackets, the boat sank too quickly for those on board to even put them on according to the news reports. It's suspected a larger boat created a large wake that caused the Ethan Allen to capsize but it's too early to tell. The Ethan Allen is at the bottom of the lake in 70 feet of water. Early reports sounds like the captain (the only crew member on board) survived. Twenty-one people drowned, Twenty-seven were rescued alive, five of them had to be hospitalized. All 21 who died were pulled from the water. Local boaters made it to the sinking Ethan Allen before patrol boats arrived and thanks to their quick action saved many who in all probility would have also drowned.
I'll bet SOMEONE caught it on video.
Hopefully, the video and the Captain will agree...
Now that I sunk those spammers...I don't know if there is video. I do know that some of those larger boats don't watch their wake.
The smaller craft has the right of way and those larger vessels have to make sure that their wake doesn't do what happened here.
I suspect that the captain of the larger vessel is going to find himself in very deep doo doo...
It seems that I spoke before checking with the local expert.
Non-power craft have the right of way over powered vessels.
Big boats vs. small boats:
Small boats yield to the big guys; the bigger vessels are less maneuverable and take greater distances to stop or turn.
They also must stay in channels, especially in the harbor…
Sounds like the problem was the seating it wasn't attached for some reason so when the boat hit the wave it created a weight shift.
At least that's what they are saying at this point.
The lawyers will sort it out and make sure that everyone possible gets sued.
I think I see them circling in the water already.
I wouldn't be suprised if we hear about the first lawsuit tomorrow some time.
There's blood in the water and the shar... err, lawyers are a circling...
(three times)
The lawyers will sort it out and make sure that everyone possible gets sued.
I think I see them circling in the water already.
I wouldn't be suprised if we hear about the first lawsuit tomorrow some time.
There's blood in the water and the shar... err, lawyers are a circling...
(three times)
I'm sure you're right on that one.
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