Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tyra? Ewwww

I turned on my tv this morning, looking forward to Larry Elder and what do I see?

Tyra Banks is the new lead in for Dr. Phil. Oh look fashion! Oh look watch Lisa change the channel. Now that is fierce...



Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Tyra Banks is a living, breathing, walking, talking clothes hanger.

I was going to say rack instead of hanger, but you can't use the words Tyra Banks and rack in the same sentence :-)

Now, if she'd put on a few pounds...

Voluptuousness denotes a certain type of shape wherein a "rack" might be contained...

(Now, I know I'm gonna catch hell from someone on this one.)

Unknown said...

Not from me, I already learned enough about "packages" yesterday.


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