Friday, September 23, 2005

The Toledo Mayor Endorsement Battle....

I was visiting both Jack Ford and Carty Finkbeiner's websites and so far who is endorsing who.

Jack Ford:

United Auto Workers
Laborers Local 500
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 50
Ironworkers Local 55
Toledo Federation of Teachers

Carty Finkbeiner:

Asbestos Workers, Local 45
Bricklayers, Local 3
Electrical Workers, Local 8
Elevator Constructors, Local 44
Glaziers, Local 948
Longshoremen, Local 1768
NW Ohio Building & Construction Trades
NW Ohio Regional Carpenters
Operating Engineers, Local 18
Painters & Allied Trades, Local 7
Roofers, Local 134
SEIU, Local 3
Sheet Metal Workers, Local 33
Teamsters, Local 20
Toledo Firefighters, Local 92
Toledo Police Command Officers

That's the list as of today....I'll check it from time to time


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Disgusting, isn't it?

As I've said before (elsewhere) I'm voting for Nona D. Above, as a write in protest candidate.

Actually, I'd like to see the None of the above or present, but not voting for Mayor really count.

With enough no/none votes, you throw both of da bums out and hold a follow-up election with the next two highest vote getters.

Now, THAT would be real progress ;-)

historymike said...

No mention of the Noes for Carty?


Frank Szollosi said...

In fact, Jack has increased his share of support from labor in 2001, and Carty has seen his share of support shrink from 1997.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

" No mention of the Noes for Carty?"

Tempting, but I no go dere ;-)

I will not go where Noe one has gone before...