Friday, September 16, 2005

Survivor Guatemala

I already knew the two "famous" mystery Survivors were going to be Bobby Jon and Stephanie thanks to one of the many Survivor "Spoiler" sites out there. I still question that one, not only are they not the most "famous" (Though I was happy it wasn't Rob and Amber), I don't understand the unfairness of it. Hopefully they are not running out of "twists" to the point this is what they feel like they have to do to make it different.

So far? Too early to pick a favorite though as soon as I saw Jim was injured knew he was out of there. Prediction though? Gary Hogeboom isn't going to end up being like Tom, I think he'll be taken out of it early.

Out play, Out last, Out guess? We'll see - lol



Unknown said...

Okay this is strange, CBS has a "blog" for former Survivors called

Survivors Strike Back

Only one post so far and not all of them have bios, but "Ralph" is not a name I remember and the profile looks like Richard Hatch...Another mystery?


Cyberseaer said...

This time around, I got more into it on the first show than I usaully do. Stephanie looks like the wrestler Trish Status and she is cute. But I must root for Blake since he is the guy that was selected for me in the Survivor pool I'm in. I'm now gambling on the show. I am sick.

When Blake got hit with the poisonous branch, I thought I was screwed. But when Jim pulled out his bicep, I knew I was safe. I tell ya that Margaret the nurse will be staying on for the long haul since she had to nursemaid four of the guys on her tribe.

BTW Lisa, why are you going one "spoiler" sites? My wife reads soap opera magzines to see what will happen on her soaps. What's the point? Find out when you see it. I bet you were the type of child to check out all the gifts on Christmas Eve to see what you got. I was happy to see the suprise contestants. If I had know earilier, then it wouldn't be a surprise.

Stop surfing the net to see what happens before it does on TV. Just surf to find injustices in the world. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh man you are sooo screwed having Blake, unless he makes a major bounce back? From the previews looks like he didn't.

And I went to the spoiler site first to help a friend find out about Gary because he heard a former NFL player was going to be on Survivor. Then? I was sooo afraid it was going to be Rob and Amber. Had it been those two? (You remember how I felt about them on Amazing Race) I might not have even bothered to watch Survivor this time around.

And...I am the type of person that would shake XMas presents

I draw the line at researching movie endings though, even I have my limits


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

If you're going to be "entertained" by these scripted "non-reality" shows, then you shouldn't visit those spoiler sites.

You are much too weak (hooked) to avoid peeking where you ahouldn't ;-)

Besides, they may or may NOT be telling the truth.

Besides they probably taped several different outcomes and can change them to influence the ratings.

It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$s...

(Hooda sprouts an Evil Grin accompanied by a Wicked Laugh.


Unknown said...

I started out only watching Survivor because my youngest liked it and I try to always watch what she watches with her, then? Amazing Race and sometimes Big Brother. Most of the shows out there I didn't bother with without dish so that won't change.

Some reality tv pretty stupid, like the whole I want to be a Hilton thing, but some of them like Survivor or Amazing Race are at the higher end. It seems like there are very few shows on worth watching anymore that aren't reality tv. Only one I can think of is West Wing....


Unknown said...

I do predict a switch away from Reality Tv though, it's about ran it's course. Just like the sitcom which got to the point where they over did that.

Same with drama type cop shows, they've had their cycles as well with only a few of each that remain now that the push is "reality". Some of the shows you know are def fake or? There are some people out there that are stupider than even I could imagine.


Cyberseaer said...

Reality TV started with all the small court cases. thoses are the true reality shows, since there are not enough actor to act that stupid.

Reality TV, dubbed after Survivor got people hooked, are mostly game shows with very expense sets. I like Survivor, Amazing Race and The Apprentice (Trump. Steward can just put her head down a toilet and flush repeatly. Yes, I don't like her) because in the end they are games shows. And who doesn't like a game show? All the smartasses who say "me" can shut up now. lol The other shows like The Swan or Trading Spouses, where people will have their lives changed, are crap.

People who ask me why I watch Reality TV are the same ones who ask why I like wrestling. "It's all fixed," they say. So what? It's entertainment. People don't ask why we watch movies, plays, scirpted TV, or read books. Why should they question other forms of entertainment. You don't like it? Fine rent a DVD. I'm going to the wrestling matches while Tivoing the Amazing Race.

Just for the record, I also like to watch ER, Law and Order, The West Wing, The King Of Queens, Still Standing, and a few others. I don't know why I watch them, since they are all "fixed" as well. ;)

Unknown said...

I used to watch ER, then I stopped, started again before this season ended and it just wasn't the same. I do like West Wing, I just don't watch that much tv anymore.

The week I had no phone I saw some of the old soaps I used to watch over a decade ago, was amazed some of them were still there - lol

I also used to really be into Wrestling, an Undertaker fan.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Yeah, (un)reality TV has about run its' course.

I will admit to watching the West Wing until Hollywood politics spoiled it for me.

I spend my TV time these days watching the 2-sided news, CNBC, Travel Channel, H&G TV, and the two PBS outlets in our market.

In my former life (before marriage), I used to work in the TV repair business and I would often tick off the shop's secretary by reciting the lines of her favorite "soaps" characters before they did.

Like that was so difficult to do... ;-)