Thursday, September 15, 2005

Survey suggests abstinence only programs not working

The above linked Washington Post article talks about a new survey by the Federal Government on sexual activity of those aged 15 to 19.

Some of the key points:

Slightly more than half of American teenagers, ages 15 to 19, have engaged in oral sex, with females and males reporting similar levels of experience, according to the most comprehensive national survey of sexual behaviors ever released by the federal government.
The report today by the National Center for Health Statistics shows that the figure increases to about 70 percent of 18- and 19-year-olds.

The newly released data, gathered in 2002, are sure to stir debate over abstinence-only sex education. Supporters of such programs say they have resulted in young people delaying intercourse, but opponents say they simply have led young people to substitute other risky behaviors, especially fellatio and cunnilingus. The new data tend to support the latter view, showing that nearly one in four virgin teens has engaged in oral sex.

Many teenagers have fully accepted the idea that postponing intercourse is a good thing to do, Brindis said. When they weigh the advantages and disadvantages of intercourse versus other forms of sex, they decide that they are far more at risk with intercourse, both because of pregnancy and the greater risk of disease.

There is of course more in the article, however I think this shows they are listening. However given the risks involved with oral sex from a disease standpoint since we have proof that we have their attention wouldn't it be smarter to give them valid birth control information? Expecting them to use condoms for oral sex I don't find to be a credible option, even though it may be the safest one.


Cyberseaer said...

Gee, half of America's teenagers are having some type of sex. Maybe I should more shock that they aren't having full intercourse. I was one of those teens who had to wait until I got out of high school to get action (not by choice).

Now that I'm a parent, with a ten year old daughter, this gives me new grey hairs. That's ok, she we be home schooled until the age of 40. ;)

Unknown said...

It's a challenge C, and some of the questions you get asked? Will make you gray even faster.


Jonathan said...

But Lisa...didn't Billy Bob Clinton and his defenders tell us oral sex wasn't really sex?

Then the abstinence programs are working! ;-)

Yes, that was a joke... :-)

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

That is a question that I will never ever have to face (Thank You Jesus!).

However, my children will :-(

That one is a very difficult question with no easy or single answer...

Unknown said...

Then? Read this one - I learned a new term "LUG" which is "Lesbian Until Graduation"


I remember when the "badge of courage" was winning drinking contests....