Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Should they be reimbursed?

As the above linked Washington Post article states, FEMA is considering for the first time reimbursing faith based organizations for some of the costs spent during Hurricane Katrina to house and feed evacuees.

I think to fairly evaluate this the first question is why? That's obvious, traditionally faith based organizations only provide localized first responder type help until Red Cross and FEMA step in. That did not happen this time because the numbers of those who needed help is larger and the known issues with both Red Cross and FEMA as far as time frame.

Non-secular not for profits are eligible for reimbursement, so if it does not violate their non-profit status to accept reimbursement for specified expenses why the difference if it is faith based for this situation? Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, seems to believe that even if these faith based organizations are asked by the local or federal government to assist in sheltering people that by virute of being faith based they are required to continue to provide "charity" no matter that it is not the traditional length or that in many cases this financially isn't something all of these faith based organizations can do long term.

This is a failure of the government both local and federal in not providing adequate housing for these people, not a failure on the part of the faith based organizations. To merely have the attitude of "oh well you're a religious organization so provide charity and shut up about it" or to demand that any of them that do accept FEMA dollars should loose their tax exempt status as I've seen stated on the blogosphere is wrong.


Scott G said...

I say no. Service and helping those who are down is part of true spirituality. If people expect reimbursement, what purpose are they serving. Part of religion is supposed to be sacrifice. At least that is what I was taught

Unknown said...

I think those that were originally only expecting to house and feed evacuees for a few days and are still caring for them today? Should be reimbursed or helped with the long term expenses. Short term as was done in the past? I agree with you on.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

I agree that faith based organizations should be reimbursed in this situation, especially since the governments were overwhelmed.

Otherwise, they should be reimbursed for the extended help provided beyond their normal scope of operations.

And, Barry Lynn, just for once, shut your pie-hole.

Don't even go there...

Uh Barry, how many people did YOU lend aid and comfort to?

I thought so...

Scott G said...

I agree on the long term situation. If the government can't find them housing and organizations can, then the government should help all organizations who step up, religious or not. I just think that too many churches follow the profit and not a prophet

Unknown said...

Can't disagree with you there me4, and as long as FEMA sticks to what it said it would reimburse for? Seems like we all agree on that one.