Monday, September 19, 2005

Nagin develops common sense

Some of what I've read lately about trying to get New Orleans back into tourism as quickly as possible has bothered me. I realize tourism dollars mean millions to New Orleans but how can you try to get tourists back when you have not met the needs of those who have been evacuated or the businesses that have been damaged?

Tourism needs employees, employees need homes. Even if Rita were not heading for the Gulf of Mexico rushing people in under those conditions wasn't smart. The levees that failed are not in any shape to provide good protection and Hurricane season is not over yet.

There still hasn't been any kind of an EPA study that I've read that states the contamination left by the flood waters can be left there. Orginally it was stated that top layer of ground was going to have to be removed.

I also found it interesting Bill Clinton is calling for a tax increase. Then we have President Bush claiming we can reduce costs. Why the realization that it's going to take a balance of the two hasn't hit either one of them yet I can't explain.

Rather than cutting entitlement programs first cutting waste would limit the amount of a tax increase needed. There is plenty of fat in the federal government and that should be cut first before programs are cut or taxes are raised.

I'd also like to remind people about their local food banks and charities since the push is still to help Hurricane Katrina victims. Don't forget those that needed help locally before the hurricane still need help.

Think Globally act locally.


Anonymous said...

You have hit the bullseye! You get a gold star for summing things up that most politicians just can't seem to get.

Unknown said...

Could I have a silver star instead?


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Mayor (cough, cough) Nagin kinda reminds me of one of our former Mayors,

Carty (Quick-Draw) Finkbeiner,

Ready, Fire, Aim!

Or, as Baba Louie used to put it, Quicks Draw!

How do you flush the toilets in Nawlins these days?

Scott G said...

I think that when Clinton calls for a tax cut, it is more like the ones he passed as president than what the Republicans want us to believe tax increases are. I think we do need a tax increase on the wealthy who have benefitted from so many cuts over the past few years. We need to give more to those who need it all the time and not just during disaters. All part of my "blow up" economics theory

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Like this?

"From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs." --Karl Marx

Consider, if you tax the rich more, they will have less to invest, in jobs.

If the money goes to the Gubment, pork happens...

Every time tax cuts have been tried, revenue increased.

Who do you trust?
Who has the best track record?
Do you really trust your government to spend your money wisely?

Lots to think about...