Friday, September 23, 2005


Aubrey just asked me about the whole myth of "Bloody Mary". Seems some of her fifth grade peers were convinced if you said Bloody Mary five times in a mirror she would come out and kill you. So of course, me being me, demonstrated I did not die when I said Bloody Mary three times into the mirror. (Three is the right number not five)

Yeah okay I made a choking sound like I was dying....but I didn't die...hehehe

However "Bloody Mary" does have an interesting history:

Bloody Mary, also called La Llorona - the Crying woman, is modern urban myth among children found in many places around the world. The details vary exactly, she was a women wronged by a man, she was the Virgin Mary who now leads an army of demons against God, she was witch and still has retained her magic to the grave and many other variations. One thing is constant, the method of her appearance. She comes when summoned, appearing in a mirror to the summoner who must have repeated her name three times. Once summoned she might answer a question, but having got her attention nothing but bad things can come of it. She may attack the one who has called her, either to disfigure or kill. Alternatively she may curse them and cause them great misfortune.

This isn't her only interest in children however. Some believe that she hates all children and does everything she can to make them suffer. Some she targets particularly causing them to meet unfortunate and bloody ends, others she exerts influence on more subtly, leading them to a life of drug addiction and crime.

She appears as a women clothed in billowing black clothing, with a blood red rosary. Her most distinctive feature is her lack of eyes, instead she simply has empty eye sockets that weep blood.

The link has even more about her if you are interested, now I have created my own myth buster....



Unknown said...

lmao, I can't give kids that drink but that would make it more fun. At least you know she has become even more fun that you experienced


I love the spanish olives but I prefer celery to asparagus in my own person bloody marys...

Unknown said...

I've had it that way I'm just a traditionalist in wanting my celery. And yes I have made virgin bloody mary's as well as shirley temples or rob roy's (as to not offend the boys)


Unknown said...

I've had both pickled and fresh

though fresh is better and even better yet is the albino ones


Unknown said...

they are very tender....


Unknown said...

Tequilla makes me mean, trust me that's not something anyone wants to see

I could tell you stories....


Unknown said...

You already know some of them but here's one so everyone else knows how crazy I am - lol

The old Dixie Electric Company, I'm doing shots of tequilla and this guy keeps pinching my butt. I've had about six shots by then and I tell him if he touches me one more time I'll break his bottle of Rolling Rock over his head. He laughs he thinks cute little me isn't going to do that and pinches my butt again.

Alot of blood and fifteen stiches later? He learns don't mess with me and jose.


Unknown said...

lmao nice try buster but that was not you, if it would have been you? You would have never used that tired old line


Unknown said...

Don't tempt me, I can't drink anymore....alas I miss it at times

who needs a liver anyway?


Cyberseaer said...

I just hate getting on the fun late.

Anyway, I heard in high school that it you look at a mirror at midnight and say the Hail Mary three times backwards that the Virgin Mary will appear in the mirror. No blood, hurting or killing. Just a face for your troubles. I never did it since I screw up when I have to read things backwards. Plus the fact that it must be done at midnight, the pressure to get it done in under a minute would make me screw up even more.

Then I found drinking at a sport and never could find a door, much less a mirror, at midnight.

Now, the kids take so much energy out of me, that I'm asleep at midnight now.