Thursday, September 29, 2005

John Roberts confirmed now?

78-22 to confirm was the final vote. Now the questions turn to when President Bush will announce his nominee to replace Day O'Connor. Speculation is continuing, but after the last time where we were almost all fooled into believing it was going to be Edith? I'm waiting before I'm wrong again. I'll stick to football where I have a better shot at the odds.



historymike said...

Yes, better odds and better entertainemnt.

Cyberseaer said...

Hey, I don't care if Bozo the Clown is up for nomination as long as he can do the job. John Roberts looks like a good choice as justice (though Chief Justice is something we will have to see). He is intelligent and levelheaded. He took a lot of shit on the hearings and he didn't blink or counterdict himself over questions that were asked over and over again in different language. He took the heat and he held himself with grace and dignity. Though I didn't see all of the hearings, I saw enough to see that he would be a good judge and take only the law into account and not his feelings or politics. He may be the few good choice that Bush's staff made.

With that being said, I feel that the Bush staff will pick another good choice and he or she will be confirmed over the months of prehearings, hearings, debate behind closed doors, and the voting. So the circus will be back in town again.

So I lied about being too tired to type. It may haunt me at my confirmation hearing thrity years for now, but I think I can live with myself for now.

Unknown said...

I'll testify that you were not responsible for the lie that you did not perceived I'd post something that you had to comment on. So it wasn't a lie since you were truthful at the time.

(See I have this stuff down)


Cyberseaer said...

I see. HUH?

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Actually, Larry Harmon (a.k.a. Bozo the Clown) may be up for the next appointment.

He’s not just another pretty face you know…

I almost forgot... :-)