Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Fairmont and Le Pavilion

I already had found out the Fairmont survived thru Hurricane Katrina but finally got confirmation today that my second favorite hotel in New Orleans made it thru as well. The cemeteries I spent alot of time in doing photography are not so lucky. Looks like they were hit by some of the flood waters.

They have a flyover interface so you can see views of parts of the city both before and after the flood.

If you are curious as to why those two hotels are my favorites?


historymike said...

Beautiful buildings, Lisa.

Would have been a shame to see them destroyed.

Unknown said...

I love them both because they try to stay in the time period they were first built. I never have liked the sterile modern type place. New Orleans was full of such history, I'm glad not all of it was destroyed.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

What can I say about your favorite hotels except beautiful?

They're not growing charm like that any more.

From the sound of it, they both made it and will survive.

Was it expensive to stay there?

Unknown said...

Nope, I always went when they are having a special at one or the other, last time it was only 89.00 for a room normally at 239.00

Last time I stayed at Le Pavilion, time before that the Fairmont was running a 79.00 special for one a very nice room.

I've stayed at the Fairmont more but Le Pavilion is a very close second favorite.


Unknown said...

Le Pavilion is supposedly haunted but I've never seen anything out of the ordinary.
