Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay Indicted, the games begin....

While the more liberal parts of the blogosphere are celebrating this, I tend to take more of a cynical view. I subscribe to the theory that a good prosecuter could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. CNN has already stated "the Democratic Prosecutor" so many times that message has been sounded loud and clear that the implication is this is political more than criminal. Amazing when you consider CNN is supposed to be part of that "liberal media".

DeLay has announced he will step down which is SOP given the rules. If he is found guilty? Then it would be time to make a huge deal out of it as far as the "happy dances" that are going on over at Kos and elsewhere. I predict some major game playing and I would strongly suggest Democrats not get stupid on this one. He hasn't been convicted yet and is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. So they should put their fantasies of him being "frog marched" out in handcuffs on hold.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Just another skirmish in the life-long battle of partisan politics so many people seem to have way too much time for...

Is he guilty?
Don't know.

Did he do what they allege?
Don't care.

Is this a serious offense that he should go to jail for?
Again, don’t care.

It's politics as usual, 2005 style...

Scott G said...

I think they should leave it alone. Don't say anything and don't accuse. Don't make it look like the Republicans when they went after President Clinton.

I do think he has broken many laws and behaved unethically at best, but I don't think it is time to celebrate or taunt. Let the law do it's job and hope the voters in his district see what they are being represented by, but don't add to the rhetoric.

Jonathan said...

Clinton lied under oath, and was disbarred for it. For most folks, that's called "perjury", which is a felony. For Clinton Kool-Aid drinkers, sure, it was lying under oath...but only about sex, ergo no big whoop.

Look, I even stated on my own blog that I think DeLay is an arrogant blowhard, and I don't like him. However, I also believe that (a) the prosecutor has more political motivations than legal ones; (b) the legal process needs to go forward; and (c) either the evidence will damn him or it won't.

Either way, he's likely crippled politically, from this point forward.

Unknown said...

If he's found not guilty I don't think it's going to have a negative effect, it might even increase his support. It would be seen as a victory against the Democrats even though politics should have nothing to do with this.

I'm not sure what to make of this but I think it's worth pointing out.

historymike said...

It's oing to be very hard for Earle to prove that the dollars going to DC were earmarked for return to Texas, as I see it.

So much money goes back and forth between local-state-national campaigns that an army or accountants will struggle piecing this together.

They have cancelled checks (handwritten) between the PACs, which is a start, and they supposedly have a document that says where monies will be appropriated by the Texas GOP.

I still think, however, that convicting DeLay is going to be tough. I think that John Colyandro and Jim Ellis, though, will be cooked.

DeLay might be in bigger trouble with his connections to the nefarious Jack Abramoff. I think that is where this is heading.

Unknown said...

There's been alot of speculation that one of the corporations is going to provide testimony that would connect DeLay. I don't know if that is true or not, Sears has come out and denied it was them, but guess we'll find out when it and if it gets to trial.

I'd like to believe Earle would have been intelligent enough to not press for an indictment if he didn't have clear evidence. He knows it is going to be portrayed as political whether it is or not.