Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Confirmation hearings the "lightening round"

Okay it's not a game show but today is the 20 minute questioning round as opposed to yesterday's 30 minute questioning round.

Kennedy is up...he appears to have actually liked an answer Roberts gave him.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to complain about CSPAN putting this on CSPAN3 since most satellite operators (like mine) don't provide CSPAN3, thankfully there is a PBS station that carried it yesterday when CSPAN moved it for us to watch the open chamber during a vote that could have easily been carried on 3 or a smaller picture in picture at the bottom for those of us who needed the thrill of watching them walk around and wait for the vote to be done.



Unknown said...

Interesting, the statement was just made during the break by a reporter that John Roberts could go down in history as being one of the best Chief Justices of our time. Jan Crawford Greenburg of the Chicago Tribune is the reporter. There seems to be some consensus in the panel of "experts" commenting on the hearings that Roberts has the ability to clarify if not unite the Supreme Court with the goal of making rulings clear, perhaps more limited in scope but more able to clearly interpret.

They also addressed the concern of his age and the fact that he is coming in as Chief Justice. Jan thought Roberts would have no problem since he is very respected by the current Supreme Court Justices. Another commentor felt that it would cause some initial problems but that Roberts could handle it.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

20 and 30 minute "lightning" rounds?

Only in the Senate where the mouths run on long after the "lightning" flash has faded ;-)

re: Judge Roberts:

I hear that he is quite the dodge-ball player, a skill that sometimes comes in handy.

Especially when being interviewed by the illustrious Senate and all...

Unknown said...

He has been giving them alot of information, just not the specifics some of the Democrats are trying to get from him. Biden's display today was almost as silly as yesterday. This whole emotional plea for Roberts to give his opinion as a father on end of life issues. Roberts made it very clear his personal feelings on an issue have no bearing on the role he feels a judge is supposed to play in our system.

I lost alot of respect for Biden with the way he handled himself today, especially given the statements he made when Ginsberg was facing confirmation.

(Yes I've been watching this pretty closely all day today and yesterday)


Cyberseaer said...

CSPAN3? Do we really need another political channel. At least with Trya Banks you can get material for a stand up routine. Is CSPAN3 for insomics that still can sleep through the use of really strong stuff that kills horses? I'm surprise that you are watching and not sleepy Lisa. I bet you are taking cat naps when the Senate takes their breaks.

Unknown said...

I don't think we really need CSPAN3, they just need to carry what is important which would be the confirmation hearings rather than the stupid empty chamber vote waiting thing, now that could put me to sleep.

However....during breaks I write emails...sometimes long ones even


Unknown said...

oh gee, now it's Roberts fault about a comment he suggested be deleted from a speech Reagan made about aids back in 1982.

Talk about reaching.....

now the 2nd Amendment, is it an individual right or collective right will he answer? Bet he says he can't address since it will be coming before the court. Will he anticipate his judgement before hand? NOOOOO so why bother to ask something that has already been asked and answered.

This has been a huge waste of time. OH LET ME ASK YOU THIS THAT I KNOW YOU WON'T ANSWER!


Cyberseaer said...

Touche, Lisa. LOL. The Democrats just want try and catch Roberts that they can use so they have a reason not to confirm Roberts. The Republicans want to make sure that Roberts is clear so they can confirm him without issues. Like you said all a waste of time. From what I have seen (yes I check it from time to time), Roberts has not fallan into any political trap. Kennedy looks like he so wants to discredit Roberts because a Republican President is going to pick two justices. Or, am I reaching too far? Maybe Roberts should ask if Kennedy's driving record has anything to do with being a Senator. Cheap shot, but I had to go there.

Unknown said...

Well, now that I know his favorite movie is Dr. Zhivago? He's def okay with me.

(Lara's theme now running from my head) lol


DBK said...

Biden is running for president and has been for about two years. I lost all respect for him forever during the past two years.

Supreme Court Justices have always looked to narrow the scope of rulings. Sometimes they cannot do so, but they try very hard not to make broad, constitutional interpretations. That is traditional and Roberts would have no affect on that. However, he is an activist judge and I don't think that would be good for the SCOTUS.

Unknown said...

g.d., I don't think he's going to be an activist, I think the next nominee is the one that will probably be very activist.

I see John Roberts as the type that will be so nit picky from a legal standpoint that he will demand perfection or drive the rest of the Supreme Court Crazy.
