Thursday, September 15, 2005

A busy morning

I wrote another article over at Watch Blog for those interested on my take on the Pledge and "In God we Trust", not going to cross post it as it stands right now.

Confirmation hearings appear to done, as far as Roberts being questioned, today was not an earth shattering day. Supposedly the vote will take place next week. I'm not sure how many Democrats or any will vote for him. I think it will be a shame if this goes along party lines but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

I'd also note my continuing belief that the Ohio Child Support system? Sucks. Another series of phone calls to them with the typical inaction on their part. I really feel badly for those who do not know how to stand up and demand action as having seen what I've gone thru during the years of receiving support I can only imagine how many people give up in frustration. Not from action by their ex's but from the way the Child Support System doesn't seem to have any driving interest to get children money that is owed for their support.


Cyberseaer said...

At least there is the Child Protective Services in Ohio that finds kids in cages in foster home only after a few years.

The foster parents in NJ only strave their kids (Jackson family in south NJ), they don't caged them.

Enough of sick humor. Looks like things have to change for both states to look after the children. Hope it happens soon or we will heard more disgusting horror stories.

Unknown said...

True, and I'd like to see if the parents who had cages can prove their claim that a psychiatrist suggested the cages because of some of the problems they were having.

Don't agree it was the right way to handle it of course, but I also question why no matter how genuine the belief of trying to help disabled children people are allowed to adopt that many special needs children.

Cyberseaer said...

Just read your Watchblog post and it was excellent. I didn't want post over there because i didn't want to be sucked into a debate.

My opinion is that the Federal court got it wrong. If you want more problems in school, yank out the Pledge. Things will get ever worse in the school systems in the country, because the children will not learn the concept of unity and authority and respect for our country.

If this atheist guy doesn't want his daughter to not say the pledge, then he can fight for custody and home school her. Then the rest of the country will not be insulted by this crap.

Unknown said...

The Libertarian part of me shudders at making the pledge a requirement rather than a voluntary request.

That said I think the easiest way to deal with it would be to restore it to what it was prior to 1954 that way it would remain to be what it was originally intended rather than using children to battle religion.


Cyberseaer said...

In NJ, or at least when I went to school, saying the pledge was voluntary but no one in the school systems told us that. Trying to maintain their control over the children. The only way I found out was in my homeroom when a student refused to say the pledge. Long story short, the students could sit and say quiet for the rest of the students to say the pledge. And guess what? That was the end of it.

I wouldn't mind id the words "under God" were removed. We won the cold war and no need to use religion to be "superior". Times have changed. Now it is a war of beliefs and faiths, which is silly. IMO, the battle of beliefs are modern day crusades all over again. But this time there are more dangerous weapons to kill more innocents. God help us all to get through time.

Aaron said...

Wow, we must be on the same wave length!

I blogged about the pledge last night too.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

In the spirit of peaceful coexistence, playing along together, and making nice, why can’t we adopt a policy of making the words “under God” optional, with those not wishing to say them keeping silent while the rest of us do?

No one should be offended with that now could they? (This question was intended to be rhetorical.)
(Hooda heads for cover and crouches, ducking and covering.)

I remember that when I was in school, during exams week, there were no atheists…

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